This sentence really shows what is wrong with the situation. It seems your daughter is being burdened with the choice about who she spends time with. The arrangement should not be left to a young child, I hope the court would see that straight away. It is your ex's duty to tell the child what is happening and make the arrangement work.
It must be so hard for you to keep dealing with what is going on. It is great you are keeping at it so your daughter can see the problem is not with you. When I was in your situation the schools were closed because of Covid. Child would scream and shout, slam doors in my face, do anything to cause a scene when I turned up at ex's new flat. I don't know if there is a 'right' way to deal with this, but I stayed very calm and positive. Always refused to let a negative response to the performance be seen. My reaction was to show love, concern, and always focus on wanting to cooperate so we can have a nice time. You are probably doing the same, but wanted to share in case it helps. If talking about having a nice time or being friends hits home, she might come on board.
Good luck