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The beginning of my journey.

I have received her parenting plan, the short version is she is looking to cut me out of his life.

She is proposing contact of 2 hours per MONTH with her mother to supervise
Hmm, she sounds like my ex!

Best advice I can give is just sit on this for 48 hours and then worry about it next week. Worst thing you can do is respond negatively/aggressively etc, and then regret it later.
It's just the first shots fired in a long battle I'm afraid, but you'll be fine in the end.
I’m not going to bite, I feel that the unreasonable nature of her requests and that it was delivered on the day of my best friends wedding which she was originally invited too, were an attempt to get a bite a rash text etc.

It’s not going to happen.
Finally had my court application come through, interestingly it makes reference to a social worker not needing to attend but I’m not aware he has one?

Cafcass call tomorrow which I’m not looking forward too!

Anyone got suggestions of what I should include in a position statement? I feel like it would be a duplication of the application and parenting plan?
Had the cafcass call, pretty bland compared to what I was expecting standard list of questions asking about the allegations, wasn’t really much interest from them in the child which was a bit odd.

They did say they don’t like her parenting plan of 2 hours per month, it needs to be more. Possibly supervised possibly not, but I’ve found some case law relating to that.

She’s said no to co parenting though because of the allegations, but I don’t see that as a no to 50/50
Still waiting on CAFCASS report, although she indicated she would to give unsupervised contact with an initial short period supervised due to not having seen him (this is assuming the LA checks come back clear which they should).

The supervised period suggested to be with her mother at her mother’s home… which I have said I don’t feel that is appropriate. It would effectively be a hostile atmosphere and put me at risk of further false allegations without a witness.
I have suggested public location and I will take a third party or at my own home with a third party (I may also buy an indoor camera or 3).

I have put forward my position statement ahead of the first hearing on the 30th.
Had the cafcass report, not sure how I feel about it. It does list her allegations using the “if true” statement.

My interview section notes - no concerns raised and that’s it, nothing about denying these allegations (which bothers me)

It then states no concerns over contact from connected agencies, stepped contact appropriate, prohibited steps order does not seem appropriate based on info available.
Both parents to attend planning together classes.

However I should note a “surprise occurred yesterday” police attended my place of work to arrest me for an alleged incident reported 6 weeks ago (the day she left)
No evidence offered other than a statement, advised to answer questions so did so. General opinion is that it’s 100% NFA territory I have offered evidence to disprove the events they have not taken up that option.
Despite representation from the solicitor given bail to not contact her ( wasn’t anyway!)
Solicitor has advised to apply to mags to overturn the bail and go after them for wrongful arrest as it did not pass the necessity test as it was 6 weeks old.

Worried this will impact now on the cafcass report ..
Had the cafcass report, not sure how I feel about it. It does list her allegations using the “if true” statement.

My interview section notes - no concerns raised and that’s it, nothing about denying these allegations (which bothers me)

It then states no concerns over contact from connected agencies, stepped contact appropriate, prohibited steps order does not seem appropriate based on info available.
Both parents to attend planning together classes.

However I should note a “surprise occurred yesterday” police attended my place of work to arrest me for an alleged incident reported 6 weeks ago (the day she left)
No evidence offered other than a statement, advised to answer questions so did so. General opinion is that it’s 100% NFA territory I have offered evidence to disprove the events they have not taken up that option.
Despite representation from the solicitor given bail to not contact her ( wasn’t anyway!)
Solicitor has advised to apply to mags to overturn the bail and go after them for wrongful arrest as it did not pass the necessity test as it was 6 weeks old.

Worried this will impact now on the cafcass report ..
Coming to your work is a low blow considering the circumstances buddy, must have been awful. I got paraded up the street in cuff's when they could have parked on the drive or right outside the house. I'm sure these things get done on purpose. Glad you've got a potential way forward with it all (y)