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At The Start Of A Long Journey

@Peanut 21 I have made note of a couple of alienating behaviours (with documented proof) and possibly a couple of other impossible to prove actions.
When I naively completed my C100 I asked for every other weekend and one night per week, however now due to my ex behaviour I am thinking about a shared lives with order, even though this will affect my work it would greatly improve my wellbeing.
My interim court order states my ex must make our daughter available for the ISW.
Since the order I have started to see my daughter twice at the contact centre. Both sessions were wonderful however after the 2nd session finished my ex made a scene and was asked to leave four times refusing until she’s spoken to someone. This was witnessed by our daughter and my ex tone was aggressive.
Today my ex failed to turn up with our daughter blaming her anxiety as to the reason why. If she fails to reengage with contact I will be requesting an urgent court hearing ( yet more expense I can’t afford).
It is obvious her anxiety is false and a cover for her blocking contact but I am unsure how to approach this. My thoughts are to request she submits an in-depth list of her anxieties so I can dismantle them in an attempt to discredit this front.
Has anyone any thoughts on my best way forward?
It sounds to me that the anxiety she shows is an act but also deep down people with this type of personality genuinely do have fear of not being in control and it can manifest as anxiety. I'm in no way sticking up for her as she clearly has a lot of issues and could do with professional help. The issue with you bringing up her mental health could go against you.
Would the contact centre write a report or statement for you about your exs behaviour?
To add, if her anxiety is stopping her dropping off your child the questions are:
why is it causing her anxiety?
What is a solution to this?
Can someone else drop off your child?