Omg there is no end to my ex’es objections. She is relentless in her pursuit to stop our daughter seeing me. Out of the 6 contact sessions my daughter and I should have had since the interim court order we have only had two, this is down to my ex. The two sessions we have had were wonderful and it’s clear to all involved progress has been made with glowing reports on my daughter and I bonding.
My ex sent an email with nearly 20 objections to the current process, and they are ridiculous, including badmouthing the ISW , even down to her objecting that the size of the room is too large.
She has said she will not continue with contact unless her conditions are met. This is her wanting to control everything and ultimately make progress fail.
My solicitor has said it is very clear she is hostile, pays no attention to the court orders and is saying we should consider an urgent hearing asking for a guardian so my daughter can have representation in court and we should apply for a change of residency due to my ex behaviour in front of our daughter and her having no intention to promote daughter father relations.
I have very favourable reports on the 2 sessions plus an email from the ISW highlighting continued barriers to contact my ex has put up from day one. I have emails from my ex saying she will not communicate any details about our daughter to me and also email from Cafcass saying she does not want our daughter having a relationship with me.
Has anyone any advice as to when you should apply for a change of residency and even if the courts take these matters seriously when coming from fathers?
Also this is a blatant breach of the court order so how serious would this be, or does she have to breach a few more to show a regular pattern?