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I would wait to see what the outcome of the S7 is. Sometimes they say if you admit the abuse and do a perpetrator course, an order can be made for spend time with time. Other times they just recommend indirect contact only due to conflict between parents. Don't give up just yet. S7 might take less than 6 months as well - some are done quicker these days. Do you have a date for the next hearing yet? There should be an order saying Cafcass to submit their report by x date for a hearing on x date. Don't give up yet.
Only judgement received, no further directions or details of subsequent hearings received yet.
Personal opinion, never give up.
The longer the family court process drags on, the more distraught and disappointed I get with the system.. this injustice makes me feel numb and makes me not want to sacrifice my mental health any more than I already have. There's supposed to be light at the end of this tunnel... it just got darker...