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3 day fact find next week

@Resolute How do you approach discrediting a witness? What is the procedure during the hearing?

My ex has got a witness to write a statement filled with complete lies. The ex's statements even contradict her friends statement lol

I'm shocked that her solicitor clearly hasn't done their homework and that a sworn statement has been produced knowing the statement to be untrue.

Her friend will have to be sworn in and take the stand knowing this is perjury, surely the ex's solicitor isn't that dumb?
Drawing out contradiction and lies will discredit the witness.

It may be complicated if the contradictions are between the witness and your ex rather than within the witnesses statement. Will the witness have access to the bundle and be able to see your ex's docs?

Perhaps the strategy would be to confirm points your ex would deny and then drive contradictions home when you get to examine your ex.
Thanks Resolute... on the past 3 occasions (or over the past 3 years) i have always flagged missing documents...

to this day, they still seem to be persisistent in omitting documents from the bundle..

i always have the missing documents to hand (i.e. my statetements, my exhibits from my NMO applications)
highlight missing disclosures (i..e from when the ex was arrested)... All i can do is highlight... and from experience when the judge asks why they are missing, the barrister always blames the solicitior who isnt even in the court room at the time.. and issues just gets swept under the carpet.
Sounds like you know the deal on this stuff.

I've had remote and in person hearings.

For remote hearings, I circulated docs and filed them with the court in advance. Then I checked over and emailed afresh at the start of the hearing if they did not confirm they had the docs.

For in person I did the same before the hearing, but brought the documents in triplicate to hand out if needed.
Sounds like you know the deal on this stuff.

I've had remote and in person hearings.

For remote hearings, I circulated docs and filed them with the court in advance. Then I checked over and emailed afresh at the start of the hearing if they did not confirm they had the docs.

For in person I did the same before the hearing, but brought the documents in triplicate to hand out if needed.
tis a PIA to be honest esoecially when mentioning to the judge and there are no repurcussions for the other side......

its become standard practice, dishonest 'so called professional' parties do get away with malpractice and do set a bad example, (if they can do it, so can I)
The mothers counsel did indirectly try to adjourned it by saying they have received comms from the ex or third party (who they havent been able to contact since 2021 and one of the reasons why my hearing kept getting adjourned), the third party who is having surgery tomorrow so he can't make it (apparantly). I raised my hand to the judge and said 'do we have any comms to back this up'? We've waited on the guy since 2021, it is a long time and has impacted my application severely, judge looked at mothers counsel and asked them the same question, barrister replies the solicitor hasn't given her anything. The judge looked surprised and then looked like he was going to adjourn it, then he asks 'what do you want to do?' To ex barrister, barrister replies, we would want findings made in his absence.

Cross exam of ex started 2pm, had to finish at 4pm due to judge being needed elsewhere. Will continue tomorrow. Then its my turn in the box, He did mention that we will most likely run out of time tomorrow and will need to finish the ff another day. Im not too happy about that as I was expecting judgement tomorrow. Somehow I think we should have had the original 3 days.

One thing I did notice. I had for myself the odd compounded question for the mother, but they were separated by '?', even though it was one big question he did ask them individually.

In my opinion the ex effd up today and will also do tomorrow when it comes to realisation that the ex denied knowing her boyfriend 'on a couple type relationship' which will be proved that she did... by their own admission.. they've submitted comms between the mother and the mothers ex... in their bundle (one calling the other babe).

What a waste of tax payers money, this legal aid is wasted. And what a waste of 4+ years.

Ah well at least it didn't get adjourned.

Hopefully good outcome for tomorrow.

I think I've got a good no nonsense no bs type of judge, better than the ones at RcJ anyway.
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Well done Birmingham. I am so glad it didn't get adjourned again. I can't believe they tried that again.

Presumably the case will finish by the end of tomorrow and it'll just be the Judgement and decisions you have to go back for - hopefully that won't be too long. It'll give the Judge time to look through everything more and think about things.
Ran out of time, will continue for another 2.5 hours including submissions in 5 weeks time...
5 weeks isn't too bad but shame they didn't leave it as 3 day hearing in the first place. So all cross exams done then? Just submisssions and Judge's decision in 5 weeks?

How do you think it went?
5 weeks isn't too bad but shame they didn't leave it as 3 day hearing in the first place. So all cross exams done then? Just submisssions and Judge's decision in 5 weeks?

How do you think it went?
The cross exam of the father is part heard .. it went well in regards to mothers false allegations.

In regards to conflict between parents i.e. my windows being smashed, car set on fire, malcoms etc. I'm not sure if that will affect orders for supervised contact or not. It shouldn't.

So all that remains is cross exam of father to complete and submissions which will be next... followed by judgement, judge granted me to attend the judgement remotely, I think August.

There's a lot more to discuss for this thread but can't yet due to technicalities and you wouldn't believe what happened in court over the past two days.. grateful for the judge I have though..
Yeah I will be cross-examining the witness as a LIP.

The hearing is in August.
@DadLad i needed help with my questions for witness as i couldnt think straight and i didnt feel confident enough with the set i had written myself, sometime last year i came across mike from FAN (False Allegation Network) and he introduced me to a former paralegal (northern lass) who wrote my questions for me for a fee.

was it worth it, yes it was, the questions were written in a way that would box the witness in multiple possible ways in order to conclude that the witness was lying. It could have been better or more comprehensive (for a indefinete slam dunk) however it was better than what I could produce. It did the job for me anyway (as the witness did end up where i'd want them at the end of each allegation) and having a judge who understood what point i was trying to make, he asked in a certain fashion (as if he was my barrister), in a cunning way (giving a certain impression to the witness that the judge has no idea what he is questioning her about or even what he was trying to get at with his line of questioning). I personally could not have asked the questions in the fashion he did, but i think i would have boxed her in (eventually if i asked the questions myself) because they were yes no type questions, if no then refer to exhibit x and ask this, if yes refer to exhibit y then ask that... eventually ending up with a conlcusion (one of my conlcusions)...

despite all this and trapping liars, it is still down to judgement, even though the liar was trapped in every allegation i still do think bias for the mother will be reserved despite this.... wait for my judgement then we'll see.

having a good set of questions is a must (as a LIP)

when caught lying it is very embarrasing..... when caught lying in front of a judge it is even more embarrassing, especially when he is asking the questions for you!!!!!!!!!!!! (face to face and red handed.... i mean... how much credibity do you have left?)

if you need help with your questions i can intro you to Mike@FAN (he knows a few paralegals) or Northern Lass (my alisas for her)....
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@DadLad i needed help with my questions for witness as i couldnt think straight and i didnt feel confident enough with the set i had written myself, sometime last year i came across mike from FAN (False Allegation Network) and he introduced me to a former paralegal (northern lass) who wrote my questions for me for a fee.

was it worth it, yes it was, the questions were written in a way that would box the witness in multiple possible ways in order to conclude that the witness was lying. It could have been better or more comprehensive (for a indefinete slam dunk) however it was better than what I could produce. It did the job for me anyway (as the witness did end up where i'd want them at the end of each allegation) and having a judge who understood what point i was trying to make, he asked in a certain fashion (as if he was my barrister), in a cunning way (giving a certain impression to the witness that the judge has no idea what he is questioning her about or even what he was trying to get at with his line of questioning). I personally could not have asked the questions in the fashion he did, but i think i would have boxed her in (eventually if i asked the questions myself) because they were yes no type questions, if no then refer to exhibit x and ask this, if yes refer to exhibit y then ask that... eventually ending up with a conlcusion (one of my conlcusions)...

despite all this and trapping liars, it is still down to judgement, even though the liar was trapped in every allegation i still do think bias for the mother will be reserved despite this.... wait for my judgement then we'll see.

having a good set of questions is a must (as a LIP)

when caught lying it is very embarrasing..... when caught lying in front of a judge it is even more embarrassing, especially when he is asking the questions for you!!!!!!!!!!!! (face to face and red handed.... i mean... how much credibity do you have left?)

if you need help with your questions i can intro you to Mike@FAN (he knows a few paralegals) or Northern Lass (my alisas for her)....
I think @Ash posted something on X (remember? i was panicking and down and lost hope last year) and then Mike@FAN reached out to me alongside another lovely human rights activist lady and others..... who gave me advice...
@DadLad i needed help with my questions for witness as i couldnt think straight and i didnt feel confident enough with the set i had written myself, sometime last year i came across mike from FAN (False Allegation Network) and he introduced me to a former paralegal (northern lass) who wrote my questions for me for a fee.

was it worth it, yes it was, the questions were written in a way that would box the witness in multiple possible ways in order to conclude that the witness was lying. It could have been better or more comprehensive (for a indefinete slam dunk) however it was better than what I could produce. It did the job for me anyway (as the witness did end up where i'd want them at the end of each allegation) and having a judge who understood what point i was trying to make, he asked in a certain fashion (as if he was my barrister), in a cunning way (giving a certain impression to the witness that the judge has no idea what he is questioning her about or even what he was trying to get at with his line of questioning). I personally could not have asked the questions in the fashion he did, but i think i would have boxed her in (eventually if i asked the questions myself) because they were yes no type questions, if no then refer to exhibit x and ask this, if yes refer to exhibit y then ask that... eventually ending up with a conlcusion (one of my conlcusions)...

despite all this and trapping liars, it is still down to judgement, even though the liar was trapped in every allegation i still do think bias for the mother will be reserved despite this.... wait for my judgement then we'll see.

having a good set of questions is a must (as a LIP)

when caught lying it is very embarrasing..... when caught lying in front of a judge it is even more embarrassing, especially when he is asking the questions for you!!!!!!!!!!!! (face to face and red handed.... i mean... how much credibity do you have left?)

if you need help with your questions i can intro you to Mike@FAN (he knows a few paralegals) or Northern Lass (my alisas for her)....

Worth looking in to. What sort of fee did she charge?
5 weeks isn't too bad but shame they didn't leave it as 3 day hearing in the first place. So all cross exams done then? Just submisssions and Judge's decision in 5 weeks?

How do you think it went?
turns out the man wasnt even sitting in the court on the 3rd day or even today... according to courtserve... irresponsible if cut short to go on holiday

not sure if these guys move around.