Wow! Well good luck for the 13th, please do keep us posted on how you get on - If I was a judge I’d be looking at the genuine attempts you made to “prove” you are a good father. Sometimes they do override cafcass letters but truthfully I am slightly behind you by a good few months so I am just saying from what I’ve read on here. I didn’t even know you get a copy of each other’s cafcass letter in advance - must make interesting reading.
Are you going for 50-50?
I'm just trying to reinstate the 50/50 lives with shared care we already had in place.
I'm not living in one of the most expensive places to live in the UK in a 2 bedroom property for no reason.
I'm really requesting a CAO so she can't keep changing the goalposts unilaterally when she has a bad week. Whatever the courts decide, I'll have to deal with. We need stability. Our son, myself and it's also going to benefit her. So we can all move on with our lives and know when we both need to parent our child.