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Three day hearing coming up

It's best to get legal advice because there's a chance she can be allowed to claim any costs (barrister) to you if you're not granted permission.
My partner on flip side of situation so let me know how you get on.
It's possible but I think unlikely considering the history.
i've just looked at the costs to appeal... ranges from £500 - 1200..., i'll see what the free 30 min solicitor says.

thanks Ash..

if there is a fee like that, i can't afford that unfortunately, and it will be yet another win for the ex.
Is that the court fee or the average cost of being represented?
I didnt appeal in the end.
New Court dates come through, 3 day fact find set for, Sept 2023...

Sealed orders came through, I didn't get a chance to review. Harming my position left right and centre. Recitals in my favour missed out...

It's a mess.
September 2023 is a very long way off. I suggest you make a formal complaint - you'll get an earlier hearing date (I was informed it should be within 6 weeks).

Form Ex343a, quote the Childrens Act 1989 section 1 (2) delay is harmful, and family procedures rule "overriding objective" - cases should be dealt with expeditiously. Ask for it to be listed as a telephone hearing. (Advice I was given for a similar situation).
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Seriously your situation is insane. They cannot even complete a fact find and make a finding. It's disgusting to leave you in this position. When did you first apply to court? It was about 4 years ago wasn't it?
Seriously your situation is insane. They cannot even complete a fact find and make a finding. It's disgusting to leave you in this position. When did you first apply to court? It was about 4 years ago wasn't it?
Started November 2018... Applied for variation Dec 2019...

Its a shame we have to accept this....
from today's many sealed orders there is a missing recital

I agreed with the judge that no police disclosures will be needed for the revised allegations.. He asked the ex's solicitor and they even said no they would not need police disclosures..
I would write to the court then and say there is a missing recital from the order and quote it and ask for the order to be amended. Copy in the other side.

In all this time, have you seen your kids at all? Just wondering what the variation was in 2019? Presumably you already had a CAO at that point to apply for variation?
I would write to the court then and say there is a missing recital from the order and quote it and ask for the order to be amended. Copy in the other side.

In all this time, have you seen your kids at all? Just wondering what the variation was in 2019? Presumably you already had a CAO at that point to apply for variation?
Haven't seen my kid since 2020. I had a cao from 2019.. The app for variation was Dec 2019, objectives to help with direct contact.... Been waiting ever since...
This is outrageous!!! An absolute shambles. Definitely file the complaint Ash mentioned. They expect you to wait 9 months! Everyone in limbo for that long is disgraceful.
Yes definitely file that complaint and get an earlier hearing. Has anything happened since the 2021 hearing (in terms of hostility or harrassment). I'm just wondering why her lawyer told the Judge she had some more recent allegations. How can she have allegations affecting the kids if you don't see the kids? She can only mean that you have done something (or make up that you have done something).

As part of the complaint you could put a bit of the history and point out that the Mother's team are causing delays by continually raising new allegations which are untrue.