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Three day hearing coming up

Is that a final hearing? You've been going through this for a long time. Well done for not giving up.
You have the strength of a thousand dads behind you. 💪 🪖

The journey is long and fraught with strife but staying the course is the only thing that brings you to your destination.

Attrition;- the process of reducing something's strength or effectiveness through sustained pressure.
Is that a final hearing? You've been going through this for a long time. Well done for not giving up.
doubt its the final hearing.... remember i had the 2 day fact finding in Oct 2021.. and in that hearing i submitted information about her boyfriend and the fact that my ex was arrested on suspicion of breach of her ex's NMO against her, well in that hearing , the judge scheduled a 3 day fact finding hearing in May 2022 to discuss her NMO against me, my NMO against her, any findings between my ex and her BF and to finish off with sorting out child contact.
The 3 day FF hearing in May was vacated due to not having enough judges and moved to Nov 2022.

Whole lot of drama here, i cant stop thinking this is all deliberate (ex's doing) to prolong my case... im in the 4th year and real life contact is at 0% progress. Just shows there are ways to prolong seperation.

im in it with a hope the family court will stop entertaining the ex's meritless allegations, they're full of utter shyte, waste of tax payers money and waste of court time.

judges arent stupid but the framework and process allows someone to make some ridiculuous allegations and in the end... WTF... nothing to show for it.

in one hearing, DRA for her NMO against me (going back to Sept 2020) the allegation is that me (dad) has purchased guns and knives...
the supporting evidence : fabricated text messages containing 'online order' number from made up knife shop/contacts on a phone, i mean wtF..!!
That is an unacceptable length of time to be dragged through the family courts. It's absolutely their tactic to drag things out with allegation after allegation that the court is obliged to disprove. This is so well documented now its part and parcel of every spiteful exes thought process and battle plan. But they must surely run out of road eventually. It really is a war of attrition.
The NMO’s seemed to slow his case up a lot. Tbh Birmingham your ex sounds like the biggest nightmare on the planet. I hope this next hearing makes a big change for the positive. There is that saying that if you give them enough rope they will gang themselves.
The NMO’s seemed to slow his case up a lot. Tbh Birmingham your ex sounds like the biggest nightmare on the planet. I hope this next hearing makes a big change for the positive. There is that saying that if you give them enough rope they will gang themselves.
its not just the ex and ex's family, they've been paired with the devils minion themselves... some spineless law firm that have sold their souls to the devil, doesnt have any integretity or doesnt have ethical practices, a firm that takes pride in the work that they do without a conscience or without any shame, someone should close these legal aid scammers down! these firms depend on single mothers with low income.... legal aid representation must be easy for them, money is guaranteed.

i have learnt that people will make whatever bullshit up just to increase the likelihood of orders being made.... especially those without notice ones.... firms take advantage of this even if their client or the firm itself know there is no real 'credible' threat. but in any case, a NMO on the custodial parents side is a bonus... the more obstacles for the applying parent the better...
I remember one Dad saying - an ex with a solicitor is your worst nightmare. Yes they just act for their clients best interests and don't give two hoots about child's best interests or anything moral.
Good luck. Stay calm. Whatever you do, stay calm! Don't let anyone rile you. Call the Judge Sir or Ma'am. ie address them as that before saying anything - eg Sir, I have a document about that point. Or whatever.
I am a polite person, always have been, respectful too. Guess my type is often taken advantage of depending who you meet.
problem is provocation... will have to close my ears or something
anything oppressive i will highlight to the judges straightaway...
i got a feeling they will be asking some odd / awkward questions...
Good luck.

As above. Calm, professional, keep answers concise. Factual. "Yes Sir/Ma'am" to Judges questions.
ex's legal aid has been withdrawn two days before 3 day FF
hard to tell if the ex's sol withdrew it deliberately or if Legal Aid Agency pulled the funding....

anyway 3 day FF, wish me luck dads.
That's great news! It would be the legal aid pulling the funds but the solicitor could have played a part advising the agency .... who knows..
The ex's sol firm is very notoriously evil, when they make a move, they make a move for the benefit of their client even it if is immoral or unethical

I've asked around
A established mckenzie friend says either:
a) funds have run out (in current application) and they will re-apply along with a c2 (this could be the day before the hearing)
b) Legal aid does not cover combined hearings (i.e. COA with NMO), I find this highly unlikely as the past hearings involing NMO and COA were combined hearings and no one batted a eyelid.
c) there could be a genuine valid reason for legal aid to pull funding (i find this unlikley)

another dad says (from his case) :
- Judge ordered police disclosure in the beginning of Sept 2020 and a directions hearing date was set for end of Oct 2020
- In the Oct 2020 hearing the police disclosures werent received in time and the ex's Sol withdrew their legal aid funding 2 days before the FF hearing, then filed a C2 and the ex's sol used the 'not received disclousure yet excuse' to be the basis for their request for an adjournment... the judge adjourned their case by extra 5 months. You can understand this dad's frustration when that happened. The order did have a additional caveat set by the judge saying if no disclosures received by the extended deadline Mar 21 then he would continue the case as normal even without disclosures and / or without legal aid.

in my case, the judge asked for police disclosures in Oct 2021 and set a deadline for Dec 2021 ready for the FF hearing in May 2022.
Come May 2022, the disclosures hadnt been received yet, and the family court judges decided that the case be vacated by another 6 months (despite court telling me it was down to judicial unavailability),

I still dont know if the police disclosures have been received yet, i will try and follow up tomorrow.

should this FF hearing be adjourned by another 6 months because a) legal aid ran out and b) disclosures not received yet, then this would be further miscarriage of justice and more acts of purjery.

if anyone has ideas how to tackle this possibility in this weeks 3 day FF, then please let me know.
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Did you do a position statement? If you have, do an additional brief one. If you haven't, do a brief one. State that the case has been going on for x years and you strongly request that the hearing is not adjourned for any reason whatsoever.
Did you do a position statement? If you have, do an additional brief one. If you haven't, do a brief one. State that the case has been going on for x years and you strongly request that the hearing is not adjourned for any reason whatsoever.
i did do it in my position statement and I have done a second position statement highlighting the tactics they have used to supress any child contact directions.
I called up the HMCT Call centre who called the court, they advised that Police disclosures (ordered Oct 2021) have not yet been received by the courts

I was relying on other parties solicitor to obtain outstanding police disclosure mainly body cam footage which was court ordered. We previously had a disclosure of other items eg, custody log, interviews at previous directions hearing but we were awaiting body cam footage. I ended up calling the police, spoke with their data protection team. They were awaiting payment of fee so I paid it and got it next day. The police had details of the court order, had to confirm name etc. I think her solicitor knew about the fee but because they didn't want the truth to be disclosed, they didn't pay it and kept quiet. Never trust a solicitor! You should call the police and find out. Any blame on solicitors part you could raise in court, even better you get the disclosure right away or are assured that it will be received during the 3day FF in time to be considered.