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Section 7 - What happens? How to prepare?


Experienced member
Hi everyone,

I'm due to have a Section 7 start soon.

What actually happens in the Section 7?

How best to prepare for it?

Hi UkDad

So you will be dealing with Cafcass and the best advice is keep it all child focused when speaking with them. Don’t criticise mum at all and actually say something positive even if you don’t believe it.

They are assessing whether your a good parent and anything negative about mum goes against fathers but expect ex to slate you as they are allowed to it’s a different playing field for us dads.

Talk about all the good things with your child the routines you have what they like doing with you favourite foods etc.

It’s an unfair system but we have to stay child focused that’s imperative.

The mantra here which I’ve stolen of Ash is “all I want is for our child to have a loving relationship and home with both parents”

Even if ex is the worst of the worst you can’t say that to Cafcass as they will just say it’s conflict between parents which can cause emotional harm to the child and they will side with mum and you get next to nothing if anything at all.

It’s all about jumping through hoops and playing the game even if we despise the ex.

The best thing is say nothing bad to Cafcass and build up evidence of what ex is doing and if worst case scenario you get a horrible section 7 you can get that undermined as flawed at court.

Cafcass just advise and Judges dont always go with what Cafcass say and that’s why it’s a must that you stay child focused at all times.

I hope that helps
Hi UkDad

So you will be dealing with Cafcass and the best advice is keep it all child focused when speaking with them. Don’t criticise mum at all and actually say something positive even if you don’t believe it.

They are assessing whether your a good parent and anything negative about mum goes against fathers but expect ex to slate you as they are allowed to it’s a different playing field for us dads.

Talk about all the good things with your child the routines you have what they like doing with you favourite foods etc.

It’s an unfair system but we have to stay child focused that’s imperative.

The mantra here which I’ve stolen of Ash is “all I want is for our child to have a loving relationship and home with both parents”

Even if ex is the worst of the worst you can’t say that to Cafcass as they will just say it’s conflict between parents which can cause emotional harm to the child and they will side with mum and you get next to nothing if anything at all.

It’s all about jumping through hoops and playing the game even if we despise the ex.

The best thing is say nothing bad to Cafcass and build up evidence of what ex is doing and if worst case scenario you get a horrible section 7 you can get that undermined as flawed at court.

Cafcass just advise and Judges dont always go with what Cafcass say and that’s why it’s a must that you stay child focused at all times.

I hope that helps
That said, it does seem that CAFCASS spend all the time asking the father about the terrible ( and false) allegations that the ex has waxed lyrical with and all you can do is calmly deny them. Then in the last minute of the interview they ask you about your child. It does strike me as odd that CAFCASS seem themselves as court, jury and judge and their report is neither objective or transparent. It is time that CAFCASS was trimmed down and the judge allowed to do their job rather than feel tied by their biased advise.
That said, it does seem that CAFCASS spend all the time asking the father about the terrible ( and false) allegations that the ex has waxed lyrical with and all you can do is calmly deny them. Then in the last minute of the interview they ask you about your child. It does strike me as odd that CAFCASS seem themselves as court, jury and judge and their report is neither objective or transparent. It is time that CAFCASS was trimmed down and the judge allowed to do their job rather than feel tied by their biased advise.
Fully Agree Newcastle but if that’s the case it’s very much just be calm in our responses and saying things like “I don’t understand why she is saying that” “it’s not true” etc.

We all know Cafcass isn’t fit for purpose well 99% of it isn’t and things are not going to change in the near future that’s for sure.

The same could be said for flaky judges though who just blindly take Cafcass’s or Social services views as fact rather than as you say do there job and look impartially at things.

The whole system is shocking from top to bottom.
During the preparation of the S7 report before they speak with you, they will speak to the mother and already have an opinion of you.

They will try to focus only on any allegations but just say that you don't know why the mother is making these allegations but they are completely untrue.

Keep the conversations child focused and try and push for a home visit and or observations of you interacting with the kids.
With regards to preparing for it. I wrote up some pointers of things I wanted to discuss and questions I wanted to ask. This was so that I didn't forget anything.

You can't under or over prepare for Cafcass, they are a tick box and opinion based service. Just keep completely child focused and remain calm and positive.

I recorded my visit so that I could refer back to it with what was discussed. The cafcass officer lied through her teeth but I have evidence to counter. I can't use the recording as evidence but I have it as a reference.
With regards to preparing for it. I wrote up some pointers of things I wanted to discuss and questions I wanted to ask.
That's a different angle on it. I was preparing to be interrogated. Without prying what kind of q's did you feel at liberty to ask and were they met with decent responses?
Thanks for all the responses. I'm guessing much of it will depend on the allocated officer.

How long is the S7 interview?

Is it usually a phone call, video call, or in-person visit?
Thanks for all the responses. I'm guessing much of it will depend on the allocated officer.

How long is the S7 interview?

Is it usually a phone call, video call, or in-person visit?

I asked questions rather than make allegations. I refuted the allegations when they came up and noted that maybe the mother is acting out of anger due to the breakdown of the relationship etc. Allegations on appeared as soon as an application was made.

if they offer you a phone interview, say that you would like to request a home visit. They will visit the mother at home with the kids so it's only fare that this is reciprocated.

The visit is around an hour depending on what topics are to be discussed.
Question from me.

I've got a date for an S7 VIDEO CALL.

Ive assumed this is sort of an introductory call and a visit will follow.

Anyone think this might not be the case?

In which case I will have to contact them and push for a visit.
Question from me.

I've got a date for an S7 VIDEO CALL.

Ive assumed this is sort of an introductory call and a visit will follow.

Anyone think this might not be the case?

In which case I will have to contact them and push for a visit.

This will be your section 7 interview and not an introduction.

Try and push for a home visit.
I asked questions rather than make allegations. I refuted the allegations when they came up and noted that maybe the mother is acting out of anger due to the breakdown of the relationship etc. Allegations on appeared as soon as an application was made.

if they offer you a phone interview, say that you would like to request a home visit. They will visit the mother at home with the kids so it's only fare that this is reciprocated.

The visit is around an hour depending on what topics are to be discussed.

What kind of questions did you ask?

Does asking for a home visit delay the appointment date?
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What kind of questions did you ask?

Does asking for a home visit delay the appointment date?

Questions around safeguarding, asking how recommendations are made etc

They offered me a telephone interview initially which I declined. I asked for a home visit instead as I stated that this would be beneficial and only fare as the mother would have a home visit. This was kept as the same date and time.

All you can do is ask. They have to try and accommodate the best they can.

And if they don't, you can raise it at the hearing. State that the mother was visited at home and observed interacting with the kids. You did not get the chance and was given a telephone interview even though you asked for a home visit.
Do they ask questions about parenting skills? i.e. what would you normally do in a specific situation?
Questions around safeguarding, asking how recommendations are made etc

They offered me a telephone interview initially which I declined. I asked for a home visit instead as I stated that this would be beneficial and only fare as the mother would have a home visit. This was kept as the same date and time.

All you can do is ask. They have to try and accommodate the best they can.

And if they don't, you can raise it at the hearing. State that the mother was visited at home and observed interacting with the kids. You did not get the chance and was given a telephone interview even though you asked for a home visit.
When they made the home visit were you at a point where the kids were spending time with you so did they get to see you with the kids in your home?
When they made the home visit were you at a point where the kids were spending time with you so did they get to see you with the kids in your home?

No but they seen the child safe home environment which I've created and also how I've accommodated their needs etc. They seen how clean and well furnished the house is and the pictures around the house etc

if you can arrange a home visit with the kids at home with you then this is massively beneficial.

That is one of the many flaws which I will dismantle the S7 report with. The report is unbalanced how observations were made with the mother interacting with the kids but they didn't make any observations of me. They didn't even mention anything about my parenting capabilities but mentioned the mothers numerous times.