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Mediation or Court???

So my ex emailed the mediator this morning saying that she wants to do shuttle mediation having spoken to her doctor and solicitor. As the current mediator doesn't offer that she is cancelling. The mediator told her at the beginning that they didn't offer that service and she went ahead and agreed to this one and has changed the rescheduled the appointment once. (its been 7 weeks since she agreed to mediate now).

I asked to be signed off for court and have my sign off sheet however the mediator informed my ex straight away? Is that standard procedure, i was hoping to keep it to myself a bit longer to unable me to get my C100 done before she potentially puts one in first.
So my ex emailed the mediator this morning saying that she wants to do shuttle mediation having spoken to her doctor and solicitor. As the current mediator doesn't offer that she is cancelling. The mediator told her at the beginning that they didn't offer that service and she went ahead and agreed to this one and has changed the rescheduled the appointment once. (its been 7 weeks since she agreed to mediate now).

I asked to be signed off for court and have my sign off sheet however the mediator informed my ex straight away? Is that standard procedure, i was hoping to keep it to myself a bit longer to unable me to get my C100 done before she potentially puts one in first.
Yes, it's standard, I referred previously to this being the case ("cat out of the bag").

I didn't get that because my ex was never in contact with the mediator! Except the last time when she had her solicitor write saying yes she did want it and would be in touch. After 2 weeks the mediator said - she hasn't been in touch so I'm just signing you off. I guess if mediation has already started they have to keep both parties informed.

Maybe you could tell the mediator you are still happy to do shuttle mediation if ex wants, but are putting your application in anyway. Shuttle mediation is basically saying no to mediation. Mediators tend to think mediation only really works well if both are in the room.
My ex is saying she is doing a child residency order ? What does this give her ? Would it be harder to obtain a 50/50 if she submits this before I get my c100 ?

Yes it would, I thought you were ahead of 'the game' re C100, my best advice is to crack on and apply asap.

My fault I was helping with the wording and got delayed a couple of days. It's done now. Yes it means she is also going to apply to court on a C100 and ask for child to live with her and spend time with you. Don't worry they will probably tie the two applications together - obviously you're asking for one thing and she is asking for something else. But it would help to get yours in asap (first ideally). Did she say she has done or she is going to? She will have needed to have a MIAM first.
It doesn't give her anything. It means she's asking for an order like you are and it'll get sorted out who gets what. But better if yours is there first.
My ex is saying she is doing a child residency order ? What does this give her ? Would it be harder to obtain a 50/50 if she submits this before I get my c100 ?
Did you get my message?