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I am currently looking for somewhere to move to but it's hard in the town that I live in ,I will be pushing to get my name on the certificate and take the baby for myself I don't deserve to lose her due to her being selfish ,I have checked with the police and all my cautions from years ago are spent so they shouldn't affect my chances of keeping baby
Another member @Pj66 has had a similar scenario in terms of an ex making it difficult to see his baby daughter. Sorry I can't offer practical advice. Just to let you know others can relate to your situation.
I am currently looking for somewhere to move to but it's hard in the town that I live in ,I will be pushing to get my name on the certificate and take the baby for myself I don't deserve to lose her due to her being selfish ,I have checked with the police and all my cautions from years ago are spent so they shouldn't affect my chances of keeping baby
That’s one thing ticked off the list then…
I would also contact social services and check exactly what the situation is. They will keep it confidential they have to. Sounds like some fishing is required to find out exactly what your ex partner did or is accused off etc. so you know who you will be potentially co parenting with. Keep positive matey and keep ticking that list of things to do 💪
I live with her still and she's refusing to say I'm the father
Definitely need to contact social services, if they do plan to take the baby off the mother it is much better she goes to her loving father who can take care of her. Its odd to not put your name on the birth cert only reason I can think of is she doesnt want you to have rights to your own child. Remember to keep contact and messages civil, say nothing that she may use against you in the future
Definitely need to contact social services, if they do plan to take the baby off the mother it is much better she goes to her loving father who can take care of her. Its odd to not put your name on the birth cert only reason I can think of is she doesnt want you to have rights to your own child. Remember to keep contact and messages civil, say nothing that she may use against you in the future
I've got all the messages saved in an album of her saying I am the father but she doesn't want me to have any access nor be named on the certificate, I will be fighting this as I dont have any previous issues when it comes to my child's safety so I'm not going to let her take my chances away from being a father to my first child
I've got all the messages saved in an album of her saying I am the father but she doesn't want me to have any access nor be named on the certificate, I will be fighting this as I dont have any previous issues when it comes to my child's safety so I'm not going to let her take my chances away from being a father to my first child
To right!! Fight for that little one.

Do you have a local law centre?
Maybe take those messages there, explain the situation and they will help direct.
I personally havnt used them in my case as went straight to solicitor.
However, my solicitors offered a free 30 mins consultation. It was face to face as well. Ring a couple and tell them the situation. Even if you don’t have the money to then use a solicitor you might pick a few things up from the consultation. Don’t tell you can’t afford them etc just play the game and do all you can to shed some light 👍
I still live with her so I font want to contact social in case she kicks me out and fully cuts me off ,it's like she has control and she knows it as if I fight to keep the baby in my life she will terminate any contact I would get if I don't go forward ,but at the same time I should have equal rights to her due to it being my child 😩

learn from this, you never move in a womans house, women DO NOT maintain men, they are evolutionary hardwired that way, as soon as a woman has to maintain you she will start clowning you like a disrespectful brat, or worse still she will secretly seek the DNA of another man she deems above you & make you raise it, do not underestimate how brutal women can be covertly... you need that paternity test ASAP

theres an old saying "you can love women or understand women, you cant do both"
We aren't married we were engaged but not in a relationship anymore she told me social services see me as a risk but won't say why and is telling me I can't see my child once she's born for 2 years but I don't agree with this ,she lost previous children in a past relationship and is trying to stop me having a relationship with mind or even acknowledging the new baby I'd mine in case I cause social services to take our child but there is no solid evidence as to why I can't be at the birth nor have contact with her, she has told me I have to pretend she's not mine and keep it hidden so she doesn't lose her friendship with her ex,would I be a bad person if I fought to keep my daughter in my life once she arrives or at least be named as her father as it doesn't seem fair as her father that her mother has the power to stop me having any kind of contact ?
Never believe what the ex says. Most of it is posturing and lies. Contact the social yourself to find out if you are a risk in their eyes and why. If not then fight
If I make an anonymous call to social services saying that I know the father and name myself would that gain me rights to my daughter as u can't afford a solicitor to act on my behalf?
If I make an anonymous call to social services saying that I know the father and name myself would that gain me rights to my daughter as u can't afford a solicitor to act on my behalf?
My sister had one of her children taken away from her due to bruising on her eyelid, after a very long court process me and my husband were given special guardianship to be her sole carers. And thankfully you can get legal aid if a child is being taken into care by social services.

If I was you I would be looking for your nearest law firm that deals with public family law and offers legal aid. That way they can assist you even if things don’t go to court. They can contact social services for you and attend PLO meetings with you in order to ensure that your child can stay with you.

Social services can even assist you in getting somewhere to live if they asses you as being capable of caring for the baby if they take her from the mother.
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As the others said - she is just saying what she wants you to believe. You only have it from her that social swerve es think you’re a risk. But of course she might tell them you’re a risk. I think the danger of carrying on living together is that if she is seen as a a danger by social services, they might tar you both with the same brush.

On the other hand sone ex’s will accuse you of all sorts to social services so you’re seen as as risk as well.

It’s a tricky situation. Take it one step at a time. When is the baby due? As Richie says - maybe contact social services yourself - say you’re the Father and you want to know what the situation is with her having a protection order and tell them she doesn’t want you on the birth certificate and you may separate over that but you don’t want to leave the child with her.
My daughter is due in 1 month social services are taking her at birth so I have no chance to actually meet her ,I'm in a catch 22 as I live with my ex so if I mention anything to social services she will make me homeless on top of that she suffers really bad mental health and this would push her over the edge so I really don't know what to do