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Why women Lie

This makes me so livid that these people are freely allowed to abuse and manipulate a service and they are actually coached on how to destroy a father through false allegations.
Yet the astonishing thing is because in a family court it's not done under oath, whereas in a criminal court it is, therefore the charge of purgery is not lamentable.
What infuriates me is that there are no repercussions. These people are allowed to destroy someone's life through false allegations and there is no punishment when the lies are eventually exposed.

Surely this can be easily eradicated by imposing some form of punishment for making false allegations.

Even though I have now gained contact, I know how malicious and evil my ex is, she can't accept that she lost in court and she is seeking revenge. I am scared that she will begin to make more allegations further down the line.

What can I do to protect myself?
The only way I can see this being addressed is if the judge orders these allegations etc as a sworn statement thus in turn this becomes an oath, therefore purgery can be applied as its under oath,this was the steps the judge took in a financial case ,Baker v Baker. I thi k this approach could be undertaken especially when there's a debate that said event happened or not, put it into a sworn statement Mrs X ....let's see how many dont based on that Insruction alone
It's awful what these women are getting away with. They are ruining their own children's life with false allegations which will have an impact on them for life. Absolute disgrace that it is not properly looked into and if found to be lying they should face consequences. I don't think it would deter genuine cases as if your telling the truth you wouldn't need to worry about been found lying. It's emotional abuse on children and their fathers. Zero help to help fathers then
Unfortunately what consequences would be passed down? Fine? Imprisonment? Suspended sentence, the family court won't attribute such punishment, as they almost certainly award the child to be with said mother, so Inflicting a punishment would then destabilise the unit and Inflict more emotional distress on the child. It's fubar I totally agree, now I'm not taking away from genuine cases of DA/DV but, surely just being allowed to make allegations which will be NFA'd should be punishable,its a delay tactic,it's wastes time and money,it's wastes police time and it leaves a stigma on the father which if he is not strong enough could result in more fatal outcomes
Ultimately, th3 false allegations supported by certain solicitors is legalised revenge, pure and simple and whilst this practice continues then we as fathers do not stand a chance, I akin this to the old saying....hell hath no fury
The damage is already done when the father is stripped of his rights until the allegations are proven false. The kids are left without a father and this absence is the breeding ground for the alienation process.

I have only faced mild allegations which were all eventually found to be false. But through the process, even though I knew I was innocent, part of it was how people label and treat you.

You have to deal with the burden of being labelled and unfortunately for some Fathers this is enough for them to take their own life.

Surely the mother should be punished for this? They have premeditated a false narrative and made allegations knowing them to be completely untrue.

Watching that video, the lady said that she has seen a rise in Fathers making civil claim's separately but it is a costly process.
Ultimately, th3 false allegations supported by certain solicitors is legalised revenge, pure and simple and whilst this practice continues then we as fathers do not stand a chance, I akin this to the old saying....hell hath no fury
Just feel something needs to change as this is not in the child's best interests it's destroying relationships between fathers and kids. Of course there are genuine cases but how mothers who are lying can do this is beyond me
Just feel something needs to change as this is not in the child's best interests it's destroying relationships between fathers and kids. Of course there are genuine cases but how mothers who are lying can do this is beyond me

Making false allegations to gain free legal aid is fraud. Using this to stop you seeing your kids is child abuse. Making false allegations in a court of law is perjury.
The whole system is corrupt and uses feminist ideology. I challenge anyone to change my mind on this.
After what my partner and many other dad's go through I'm disgusted with what some women will do.
The fact men jump through numerous hoops to prove their innocence is so wrong.
How many men do alcohol/drug tests, parenting courses and therapy at their own expense even if they haven't got a problem, just to prove they're a decent father? But on the flip side women get away with any of the above even if theres strong evidence they have issues?
In the mean time kids miss weeks/months/years without a dad who wants nothing more than to be involved with his kids.
And what makes it worse is when they allow kids wishes and feelings with no concept that abused kids side with the instigator. Kids should be kept out of it as long as possible.
I could continue this rant so will stop here.
The whole system is corrupt and uses feminist ideology. I challenge anyone to change my mind on this.
After what my partner and many other dad's go through I'm disgusted with what some women will do.
The fact men jump through numerous hoops to prove their innocence is so wrong.
How many men do alcohol/drug tests, parenting courses and therapy at their own expense even if they haven't got a problem, just to prove they're a decent father? But on the flip side women get away with any of the above even if theres strong evidence they have issues?
In the mean time kids miss weeks/months/years without a dad who wants nothing more than to be involved with his kids.
And what makes it worse is when they allow kids wishes and feelings with no concept that abused kids side with the instigator. Kids should be kept out of it as long as possible.
I could continue this rant so will stop here.
100percent agree with you
Unfortunately what consequences would be passed down? Fine? Imprisonment? Suspended sentence, the family court won't attribute such punishment, as they almost certainly award the child to be with said mother, so Inflicting a punishment would then destabilise the unit and Inflict more emotional distress on the child. It's fubar I totally agree, now I'm not taking away from genuine cases of DA/DV but, surely just being allowed to make allegations which will be NFA'd should be punishable,its a delay tactic,it's wastes time and money,it's wastes police time and it leaves a stigma on the father which if he is not strong enough could result in more fatal outcomes
Unpaid work would be the likely first go to.

Or order for cos if she's breaching based on clear falsities. But even then that is rare.
Unfortunately what consequences would be passed down? Fine? Imprisonment? Suspended sentence, the family court won't attribute such punishment, as they almost certainly award the child to be with said mother, so Inflicting a punishment would then destabilise the unit and Inflict more emotional distress on the child. It's fubar I totally agree, now I'm not taking away from genuine cases of DA/DV but, surely just being allowed to make allegations which will be NFA'd should be punishable,its a delay tactic,it's wastes time and money,it's wastes police time and it leaves a stigma on the father which if he is not strong enough could result in more fatal outcomes
This is the whole charade right

My solicitor informed me, the charge sheet of allegations is read out but don't worry the courts have heard it all before.

The only real reproach is a Johnny Depp style case. But then it's all on the odds of probability, risky and very expensive.
its a mad mad world for sure. There are days when you just think why, oh why and am I in this. I get fighting it but sometimes you just think...... why. I know the answer but its just such a massive thing with all the odds stacked against you...... just why........
its a mad mad world for sure. There are days when you just think why, oh why and am I in this. I get fighting it but sometimes you just think...... why. I know the answer but its just such a massive thing with all the odds stacked against you...... just why........
Yep, no need for it. In a decent world it wouldn't be happening. It's not about the children at all. It's all about money and using people at their most vulnerable.