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Top tip of the month!!! CHAT GPT


Well-known member
OK Guys (and any gals if there are any here)...
I had a lightbulb moment last week and having put it to the test with really encouraging results I had to share!

Obviously - parenting... co-parenting.. step-parenting... fighting to be a parent - all of that... can be a very emotive subject and its so easy for emotion and anger and upset to spill over in to your communications with an Ex partner... Which then only serves to give them ammunition to fire back - or even worse.. they respond emotionally and the whole situation escalates...

I use ChatGPT quite a bit for work related stuff but never considered using it for personal writing.. and I have to say its suggestions have been utterly brilliant... Balance. Stable. Unemotional. Succint and fair.
I basically entered the basic background info - and asked it to write a response relating to a particular situation we are having challenges with.. and bingo...
I asked it to tweak it slightly - be firmer in tone.. be softer in tone.. whatever you want...
And it has really helped to take the heat out of the situation.

Just thought I would share ;-)

ChatGPT is free and you can create a login here:
I have used it before and it is good, helpful not just for letters but daily texts and emails, albeit I've switched to Microsofts Bing Chat as it's fed into more recent data and am just starting to try Google Bard & Gemini which are apparently a step better.

I have my cases going through the solicitors in the main though so don't use it as much.
I use ChatGPT for everything. Position statements, forms, work, emails, etc.
Funnily enough once you have used it for a while you can see who else uses it. Do you know who uses it? Solicitors, a lot at that.
At the start of my journey I had solicitors, useless and only did things in a way to take money. I would write them a draft letter, and then when I got the final letters, they were all ChatGPT-ed 100% certain of it.
So I stop using solicitors, and saved a lot of money. Direct Barrister is the way.
Thats brilliant Cereslavaplanet! ;-)
Its a pretty astounding app isn't it!
It is all fun an games, until we are left without work. It is not that far that I can see how 2-3 guys with ChatGPT will replace 50 working people.

So I am enjoying it now, it is not like I can do anything else.

Same situational when a horse saw a car in 1900 and though it was amusing, and in 10 years the horses population plummeted by 90%.
I use ChatGPT for everything. Position statements, forms, work, emails, etc.
Funnily enough once you have used it for a while you can see who else uses it. Do you know who uses it? Solicitors, a lot at that.
At the start of my journey I had solicitors, useless and only did things in a way to take money. I would write them a draft letter, and then when I got the final letters, they were all ChatGPT-ed 100% certain of it.
So I stop using solicitors, and saved a lot of money. Direct Barrister is the way
Hi there, sorry to jump in on a slightly different point but navigating the world of solicitors…what is a direct barrister?
Direct Access Barrister (or Public Access Barrister). It's just as it says - you deal with them direct rather than a Solicitor engaging one. When you have a solicitor, the solicitor deals with the Barrister and you pay both of them. With a Direct Access Barrister, you do the admin side yourself (there isn't a lot really) and the Barrister fights your corner in hearings and advises you. For a DAB you pay a fixed fee upfront. It's not cheap, but in the long run it can work out a lot cheaper than using a solicitor - they run up a lot of bills without any real results. The results happen at court hearings and Barristers are experts in courts as advocates.
Thanks Ash - can a direct barrister help in the preparation for court and or with correspondance with an obstructive ex or is that more for a solicitor?
Thanks Ash - can a direct barrister help in the preparation for court and or with correspondance with an obstructive ex or is that more for a solicitor?
That's the type of one off instruction for a solicitor rather than Barrister.