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The Final Hearing - Thoughts?

Fantastic results @DadLad!

Any advice for those of us heading down the self rep route?

Could you confirm if the proposal was only for final hearing? And as your self repping, who does the wording of the final order lay with ?


Lays with the barrister or solicitor of the other party if one side is self representing. if both self representing then it falls on the judge.

From the beginning of my case I asked specifically for a district judge who was familiar with everything, and that was awarded.

I also specifically asked for the wording of the order to be agreed in court on the day to avoid any ambiguity or disputes.
Incredible job @DadLad

I've been self repping for 2+ years, but then always using a DAB for the hearings in court.

Good to know you can get results without.

it all depends on so many factors, the judge, the other sides legal team, police records, case complexity, cafcass etc

My biggest tool was the glowing ICFA report which then led to a glowing Cafcass report which the judge then sided with along with my proposal.

Not all self representing goes smoothly, but I believed in my whole heart that karma is very real and eventually straws run out.
At first I was sceptical about ICFA because I painted them the same as Cafcass in the beginning. But as soon as I won my fact finding hearing last year, Cafcass changed their tune. As soon as they seen the ICFA report, everything went in my favour.