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I'm not sure if this would fall under chill out and chat but didn't know where else it would fall under im currently going through the court process to gain cao to spend time with my child who's 8 the mother doesn't want me involved gave all the standard false allegations ect anyway I'm in a interim period at the moment indirect contact via letters progression to supported contact then unsupported then a final hearing in 5 months time I havent seen my child in 6 months I've just noticed my child has a social media account should I add it ? Now given the age I'd imagine this account is managed by my ex the mother what are everyone's thoughts?
Yes add it.
You can use this to occasionally upload cute pictures and videos. Or send little posts saying 'thinking of you'. If your child then looks at them it's a small link that they may feel comfortable with. There's no pressure to answer questions just acknowledgement that dad is still there.
Yes add it.
You can use this to occasionally upload cute pictures and videos. Or send little posts saying 'thinking of you'. If your child then looks at them it's a small link that they may feel comfortable with. There's no pressure to answer questions just acknowledgement that dad is still there.
chances are if my ex does manage it which given the age i think she will she wont accept the request anyway but with currently being in the indirect contact period via letter small gift video messages if I was to add it you don't think my ex could try and manipulate it in anyway to use against me in final hearing , I just want to be close to my child show them I'm here for them
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I'm not sure if this would fall under chill out and chat but didn't know where else it would fall under im currently going through the court process to gain cao to spend time with my child who's 8 the mother doesn't want me involved gave all the standard false allegations ect anyway I'm in a interim period at the moment indirect contact via letters progression to supported contact then unsupported then a final hearing in 5 months time I havent seen my child in 6 months I've just noticed my child has a social media account should I add it ? Now given the age I'd imagine this account is managed by my ex the mother what are everyone's thoughts?
My 8 year old plays Roblox on her tablet. Before her mother took her out of my life, we often played together - each of us on our own devices - and had a great deal of fun. Sometime after they left, I remembered that we used to play, and as I had no other way to communicate with her, I saw her online and started to chat to ask how she was doing. She suddenly went offline. Later, when I got the Cafcass safeguarding letter the ex had claimed I was using the Roblox chat to determine their whereabouts using the IP address and geo-location. The subsequent recommendation said contact should not be permitted due to the potential risk that the father finds out the location of the refuge where they're staying. Such bullsh*t. :(
I think I would wait until you have opportunity to speak with your daughter about this. Get the account into conversation somehow and see what she says. If she is happy talking about using social media with you, than ask if she would like to be friends on Facebook or whatever. She'll be expecting the friend request. I give my kid opportunities to discover barriers my ex puts between us independently.
My 8 year old plays Roblox on her tablet. Before her mother took her out of my life, we often played together - each of us on our own devices - and had a great deal of fun. Sometime after they left, I remembered that we used to play, and as I had no other way to communicate with her, I saw her online and started to chat to ask how she was doing. She suddenly went offline. Later, when I got the Cafcass safeguarding letter the ex had claimed I was using the Roblox chat to determine their whereabouts using the IP address and geo-location. The subsequent recommendation said contact should not be permitted due to the potential risk that the father finds out the location of the refuge where they're staying. Such bullsh*t. :(
Have you spoken to the App Developer? I dont believe it is possible when playing a game online to be able to determine where the individual is as you would not be obtaining the IP Adddy. Equally if the refuge was not using a VPN to mask the IP on any free internet service for "vunerable" people that would be stupid. Equally GEO Location is not given out as that is within the SDK code which is within the downloaded app and not shown to those who are playing.
GDPR also massively comes into this and no gaming company is going to expose any of that stuff - This is Cafcass showing they have no clue how to even validate such a claim.
Just my viewpoint but easy to show the claims were made by someone who only reads headlines and does not understand tech.
This is Cafcass showing they have no clue how to even validate such a claim. Just my viewpoint but easy to show the claims were made by someone who only reads headlines and does not understand tech.

This was my point during my safeguarding call - I said it would be almost impossible to find someone that way - especially as she's in a refuge and certainly behind a VPN. Nevertheless, the author shared my ex's paranoia and said in the letter there was a potential risk I could locate her that way. Luckily, the Cafcass duty adviser I spoke to in court before the FHDRA, agreed with my objection to the false conclusion that recommended no contact and spoke to the judge privately before the hearing. As a consequence, the judge wisely disregarded the recommendation and ordered contact to commence straight away.
This was my point during my safeguarding call - I said it would be almost impossible to find someone that way - especially as she's in a refuge and certainly behind a VPN. Nevertheless, the author shared my ex's paranoia and said in the letter there was a potential risk I could locate her that way. Luckily, the Cafcass duty adviser I spoke to in court before the FHDRA, agreed with my objection to the false conclusion that recommended no contact and spoke to the judge privately before the hearing. As a consequence, the judge wisely disregarded the recommendation and ordered contact to commence straight away.
Awesome work in sorting that out - Show how dangerous so little information and knowledge can be when all you want to do is interact with your child. Pleased it worked out well for you.