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Section 7 interview

Does anyone have experience on what happens if the ex disagrees with the Cafcass recommendations? We strongly suspect that she will disagree and are concerned about what happens next.
Does she have a solicitor? If she strongly objects to it, she may try and argue for a Section 7 addendum - you can argue against that. I can’t remember how old the child is - but very young? If very young there wouldn’t be much point in an addendum as the child’s wishes won’t be of significance.
Just trying to think what other objections her solicitor might make - maybe something to do with allegations and asking for medical reports or drug or alcohol testing?
Just trying to think what other objections her solicitor might make - maybe something to do with allegations and asking for medical reports or drug or alcohol testing?
The ex is 100% against shared care she thinks the child should only see dad 24hrs once a week.

She raised DA and alcohol abuse and mental health, he provided a GP letter stating no drug, alcohol, mental health issues or anger issues. Cafcass said the da allegations are not an issue because she is a perpetrator of abuse and now they are not together the risk to the child is low. She said there is conflict, but if the parents have no direct contact this is not a barrier to shared care. So she basically said no issues and shared care is best. The ex will never agree with the recommendations, we are awaiting her position statement.