I think personally, solicitors are 99.9% intrinsically mother biased, so they won't give you advice that will help. I think it's better not to use a solicitor mostly. You can just send a brief email to ex's solicitor yourself. Very brief and being careful what you say. For hearings you can use a direct access barrister. If it's the right one, they will fight your corner.The confusing thing about lawyers I think is that we hear stories about how successful mothers are in FC and think, that the truth and a good legal representation are enough for a fair outcome but this just isn't the case; FCs are asymmetrical clearly.
I have had contact turned on and off so often in 6 months, I do sympathise with your sentiment of resentment. for me, its not the kids themselves but the whole cycle of anxiety before handovers, anxiety that they will have forgotten me, anxiety that they don't have fun with me then the dreaded hand back and subsequent wait for more allegations following. it makes it really hard to just, DAD; not least for constantly holding back tears throughout and trying to stay strong throughout hell.
Thanks to posts like yours, I am beginning to reconsider my lawyer situation; I have already started to be more proactive with her, if it wasn't for me insisting, she was not going to contest my CC letter in preparation for the non attended hearing I have this coming week.
Thanks again
Also, as Peanut says, solicitors have an interest in things waffling out for a long time because it makes them more and more money. Barristers charge a fixed fee for the hearing time and you get what you pay for (providing it's the right barrister).