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New partner


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Hi everyone not sure if this is posted in right place.
Basically split up with ex in 2020, moved back in with my parents, I've had new partner for last two years and she's asked me to move in with her, would I be able to get csa payments reduced as I be paying more out than I would be if I stay living with parents.
welcome to the forum @blueeyes. Firstly, are your child payments voluntary or ordered by CMS? CMS, (CSA changed their name years ago), payments are calculated on your taxable income. they are not interested in the majority of your expenses. They would consider CMS payments to other ex's and mortgage you pay on property that exs live in but you don't have a financial interest in; might be a few other considerations they take into account, others could possibly advise further, other wise it's just a straight percentage of your gross taxable income, 12% for 1 child, 16% for two, pro rata if children have over nights with you. If a change in outgoings make the CMS payments un affordable you could try contacting them and asking for a reconsideration - good luck with that one.
welcome to the forum @blueeyes. Firstly, are your child payments voluntary or ordered by CMS? CMS, (CSA changed their name years ago), payments are calculated on your taxable income. they are not interested in the majority of your expenses. They would consider CMS payments to other ex's and mortgage you pay on property that exs live in but you don't have a financial interest in; might be a few other considerations they take into account, others could possibly advise further, other wise it's just a straight percentage of your gross taxable income, 12% for 1 child, 16% for two, pro rata if children have over nights with you. If a change in outgoings make the CMS payments un affordable you could try contacting them and asking for a reconsideration - good luck with that one.
OK thanks for fast response and ordered by cms, was only paying £100 a week then she found out I got a new car, and she ran off too CMS lol