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More accusations…


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Hello gents,

My ex partner has once again accused me of something completely absurd. I’ve been accused of being sexually in appropriate with my child during supervised visits at a contact centre. Im only seeing my child in a contact centre as this is the only contact mother would allow, I’m awaiting court.

She has made previous baseless allegations against me to the police last year that was physically assaulting the child, the police gave me an NFA. Once the police gave an NFA mother miraculously allowed contact with my child, despite her allegations.

The contact centre staff have also got involved with my lawyers now due to the nature of the allegations and are seemingly supporting me. Mother has also said, in writing, that she is no longer allowing contact to take place at a contact centre.

I have never, ever harmed my child and I’ve certainly never been sexually inappropriate with my child. I have got the police and social services involved because these allegations are extremely serious and getting worse.

Will these endless allegations and accusations with no evidence go against mother in court?
Hello gents,

My ex partner has once again accused me of something completely absurd. I’ve been accused of being sexually in appropriate with my child during supervised visits at a contact centre. Im only seeing my child in a contact centre as this is the only contact mother would allow, I’m awaiting court.

She has made previous baseless allegations against me to the police last year that was physically assaulting the child, the police gave me an NFA. Once the police gave an NFA mother miraculously allowed contact with my child, despite her allegations.

The contact centre staff have also got involved with my lawyers now due to the nature of the allegations and are seemingly supporting me. Mother has also said, in writing, that she is no longer allowing contact to take place at a contact centre.

I have never, ever harmed my child and I’ve certainly never been sexually inappropriate with my child. I have got the police and social services involved because these allegations are extremely serious and getting worse.

Will these endless allegations and accusations with no evidence go against mother in court?
If the police and family centre staff are supporting you, it might be worth speaking to social services or Cafcass and submitting a C100 for change of residency especially due to the seriousness of the offence and harm it may cause the child being it’s a false nasty allegation. There is case law for change of residence due to a mother making similar serious unfounded allegations as it was considered emotional abuse of the child and was unlikely the mother would stop making similar allegations which would cause further damage to the child.
I’ve been accused of being sexually in appropriate with my child during supervised visits at a contact centre
Is it 1-1 supervised or group sessions at the CC?
It's an absurd allegation because it's somewhere with witnesses. How someone could enact any form of abuse unnoticed is a CC is unbelievable.
This may work in your favour because she could potentially be dragging in the CC staff as witnesses.
Is it 1-1 supervised or group sessions at the CC?
It's an absurd allegation because it's somewhere with witnesses. How someone could enact any form of abuse unnoticed is a CC is unbelievable.
This may work in your favour because she could potentially be dragging in the CC staff as witnesses.
It’s group contact and the contact centre staff are fully supportive of me and my child, they can see and have vocalised to me that there are no safeguarding concerns in my interactions with my child. My child genuinely adores me and is constantly in fits of laughter and is genuinely happy to be around me.

What’s even more perverse is that my ex has said these allegations are during nappy changes, which are supervised 1-1 by a member of staff.

The contact centre have contacted both of our lawyers to express concerns over the allegations, I’ve also contact social services who said they will be in touch with the contact centre for further discussions.

I can deal with the allegations as I know I’ve done nothing wrong, I’m just really concerned for the emotional wellbeing of my child moving forward - this behaviour from mother is extremely concerning to me.
Is it 1-1 supervised or group sessions at the CC?
It's an absurd allegation because it's somewhere with witnesses. How someone could enact any form of abuse unnoticed is a CC is unbelievable.
This may work in your favour because she could potentially be dragging in the CC staff as witnesses.
It’s group contact and the contact centre staff are fully supportive of me and my child, they can see and have vocalised to me that there are no safeguarding concerns in my interactions with my child. My child genuinely adores me and is constantly in fits of laughter and is genuinely happy to be around me.

What’s even more perverse is that my ex has said these allegations are during nappy changes, which are supervised 1-1 by a member of staff.

The contact centre have contacted both of our lawyers to express concerns over the allegations, I’ve also contact social services who said they will be in touch with the contact centre for further discussions.

I can deal with the allegations as I know I’ve done nothing wrong, I’m just really concerned for the emotional wellbeing of my child moving forward - this behaviour from mother is extremely concerning.

I’m hoping to file a change of residency as another comment on this post has pointed out, because these allegations are relentless and are entirely baseless with no evidence whatsoever to back them up.
I've heard some stories on these forums but this may well be the most wild of them all.

Gather as much evidence from the CC as possible. Do they have CCTV?

your ex won't need any more rope to hang herself.

Wild, wild behaviour
The manager of the contact centre staff was not happy as this allegation also implicates the contact centre staff as being complicit in any alleged abuse.

When I was told about this I was genuinely mortified, not only for myself, but the fact mother is essentially incriminating others.

I’m still yet to go to court for an order as mother has been doing anything in her power to delay it I.e. constant streams of allegations.

Do you think a change of residency here is the best way to go? I don’t think the allegations are going to stop.
I remember reading or watching something about when women make false sexual abuse allegations it's because it's happened to them.
I remember reading or watching something about when women make false sexual abuse allegations it's because it's happened to them.
I’ve known mother for a very long time and she’s never voiced anything of the sort to me.

I mean, these allegations are just crazy to the point where I’m starting to call into question the mental health of the mother. To say I’ve been being sexually inappropriate whilst I’m being supervised is just unfathomable.

My lawyer is certain I’ll be awarded very favourable contact as there have been a few other things mother has done (all with evidence) but I’m really trying to fight to have my child removed from her, this behaviour is and will be detrimental to my child’s wellbeing, it’s so sad.
Sorry to hear about your situation, there are some parallels that reflect what I am going through (not of such a serious nature). My ex continues to make barriers to contact and there was a situation at the contact centre which puts everybody in no doubt she is entirely hostile to my daughter having any relationship with me and my ex is again denying my daughter having access to me so I have submitted an enforcement application, and like you I am considering the change of residency route.
With this in mind my current witness statement says the following “I would also like to make it clear that due to the entirely unreasonable behaviour of the Respondent if contact with me does not progress as it appears is entirely appropriate and recommended as being in xxxxx best interests to have a relationship with her father, then I wish to put the Respondent on notice, that I will be seriously considering my position to include amending my application to a liveswith order, with a change of xxxxx residence to live with me”.
My thoughts are , it’s like a warming to her that if she continues to be obstructive and not play ball , then residency will change.
It is certainly a form of abuse and it’s being played out in public and I wish you all the best .
I was talking to my partner about this and he made a good point.
@Thewallguy how often do you see your child in the CC and for how long?
I'm assuming the mother has him/her the rest of the time.
This could be twisted back on her as;
1) it's not possible for you to abuse your child in a CC with witnesses
2) the Child is too young to disclose anything untoward happening
3) the parent who has the child the most would be in a better (not best choice of word but can't think of another) position to abuse a child.
I was talking to my partner about this and he made a good point.
@Thewallguy how often do you see your child in the CC and for how long?
I'm assuming the mother has him/her the rest of the time.
This could be twisted back on her as;
1) it's not possible for you to abuse your child in a CC with witnesses
2) the Child is too young to disclose anything untoward happening
3) the parent who has the child the most would be in a better (not best choice of word but can't think of another) position to abuse a child.
I see the child every 2 weeks for around 2 hours. Yeah, currently mother is the resident parent.

I have no doubt that these allegations will not stand as the contact centre are on my side, my lawyer is also pushing this against her lawyer.

I’m going to be pursuing a change of residence for the child as this isn’t the first time allegations have been made against me (any prior allegations have been unfounded by the police) and she shows no intention of stopping. The allegations are becoming more absurd and damaging as time goes on.

My concern here is that the child will be very negatively impacted by these allegations and I’m scared that once a contact order is put in place and I have the child unsupervised, more allegations will follow.

She’s been mighty difficult refusing contact etc. so I think I have grounds to make this plea because it’s all documented and backed up by lawyers.
@Thewallguy , peanut 21 makes some valid points, log everything. I am lucky to have contact notes from the centre painting my ex in a bad light. The longer this goes on the more evidence you will have. The amount of unfounded accusations will speak for themselves.