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Likely change of government in the UK

She's a women's rights activist - we are screwed lol
Well she is a woman - but not sure she's a womens rights activist. If it was Jess Phillips then I might be concerned more - although I saw Jess Phillips comment recently (when asked if she would improve things for women in family courts) that it was a party thing and not her remit. Or something like that. So that suggests that, as Magic says, it will depend on party policy to a degree. I don't think any minister could be seen to be biased one way or the other. As a Barrister she wasn't a family law barrister, she specialised in professional indemnity. As Justice Minister it will encompass the whole of the Justice system and it seems to be widely acknowledge that it is a mess and underfunded. Not just the family courts but criminal as well with huge backlogs.

She has recently stated the intention to "rebuild" the justice system - so we can hope.

Family court and all its connections are big business. Can't solve the problems or the money well will dry up.
Yes there's clearly a gravy train when it comes to the family courts and the costs incurred with solicitors/ barristers etc .
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Have to say I'm not keen on the new Scientific Minister - I remember him saying we should just let covid run and have herd immunity when the pandemic started!
Well she is a woman - but not sure she's a womens rights activist. If it was Jess Phillips then I might be concerned more - although I saw Jess Phillips comment recently (when asked if she would improve things for women in family courts) that it was a party thing and not her remit. Or something like that. So that suggests that, as Magic says, it will depend on party policy to a degree. I don't think any minister could be seen to be biased one way or the other. As a Barrister she wasn't a family law barrister, she specialised in professional indemnity. As Justice Minister it will encompass the whole of the Justice system and it seems to be widely acknowledge that it is a mess and underfunded. Not just the family courts but criminal as well with huge backlogs.

She has recently stated the intention to "rebuild" the justice system - so we can hope.

I think Jess Phillip is a big concern. If you listen to her speak on child related matters, however as you mention Ash not her remit.

It seems like the new government will be concentrating on the crime side of the courts.
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If they're in parliament they're a**e lickers and out for themselves.
If a politicians lips are moving.....
If they're in parliament they're a**e lickers and out for themselves.
If a politicians lips are moving.....

When I say 'they' Im referring to the government not female politicians.

The government are the problem and the solution which is why they will never let the well dry up.
I think the law of unintended consequences will always come into play. For example, Labour might decide more women should get legal aid for divorce cases. In turn though, this might result in less false allegations made by women in order to get legal aid.

Also, I don't think women's rights activists are a problem themselves, because they tend to focus on real issues and have an air of intellectual honesty about them. It tends to be their clingers on (e.g. volunteers for Women's Aid, MPs like Jess Phillips and posters on MumsNet) who misinterpret what they hear and conclude that there is a widespread conspiracy against all women committed by all men who tend to be the problem.
I think the law of unintended consequences will always come into play. For example, Labour might decide more women should get legal aid for divorce cases. In turn though, this might result in less false allegations made by women in order to get legal aid.

Also, I don't think women's rights activists are a problem themselves, because they tend to focus on real issues and have an air of intellectual honesty about them. It tends to be their clingers on (e.g. volunteers for Women's Aid, MPs like Jess Phillips and posters on MumsNet) who misinterpret what they hear and conclude that there is a widespread conspiracy against all women committed by all men who tend to be the problem.
Agree. Some of them are genuine about DA and there is some real bad stuff out there. Think Wayne Couzens. It's the people who jump on the bandwagon and just hate men generally - often the most vocal!
Had to phone my GP yesterday and there was a new, professional answering system. I thought - that was quick (after new Government) :ROFLMAO: . Unfortunately it's still te 8am queue though so not as quick as I'd hoped.
I find it absolutely appalling that there are services out there which coach women on how to make false DA allegations to gain legal aid.

They should be investigated and shut down.
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Absolutely. I wonder if some of them actually know what they're doing - they may just believe what a woman tells them. They're voluntary workers, not psychologists. But some women have said solicitors have advised them to say certain things as well.
Absolutely. I wonder if some of them actually know what they're doing - they may just believe what a woman tells them. They're voluntary workers, not psychologists. But some women have said solicitors have advised them to say certain things as well.

I think that any service for men or for women that advise and coach people on how to make false DA allegations in order to gain legal aid etc should be investigated and shut down immediately.

Im surprised that there isn't an internal division of legal aid that investigates these things.

There are people in genuine need who need these resources and services but 99% abuse it.
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It certainly is legal aid fraud in some cases - I suspect there is a kind of unspoken ideological conspiracy with some lawyers thinking women should get free legal aid anyway (which was the case before 2012 when Mothers automatically had sole residency and were automatically entitled to legal aid).
Does the legal aid stop after the first CAO if the allegations have been dismissed as historic and not relevant or can they always be used going forwards? I see many court hearings in our future unfortunately
I find it absolutely appalling that there are services out there which coach women on how to make false DA allegations to gain legal aid.

They should be investigated and shut down.
The problem is that a lot of these groups are cult like and the "volunteers" absolutely believe what they are doing. "Believe Women," for example, is one of their rallying cries. Essentially it means they will believe any old shit that a woman tells them and they take a guilty until proven innocent approach to the alleged "abuser." A particular problem is their tendency to ignore the growing body of evidence of abusive women and how these women use institutions to perpetuate their abuse.

In my opinion, the Government should declare these types of organisations as being politically motivated and stop funding them. If cultists want to carry on with nonsense like "domestic abuse is a gendered crime" then they should do it at their own expense.
The Labour Government are under increasing pressure to lift the two child benefit cap. The consequences of this will be that people with more than two children will begin receiving more benefits and more people will become eligible for universal credit. If this goes ahead, it will further erode the need for lower earners to receive spousal maintenance. In my own case, it would result in my ex-wife's net income actually becoming higher than mine even though I earn around 6.5 times what she does gross!
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Well it's not looking too cheerful is it?! Things are going to get harder apparently - according to the new PM. Great (not). Just taken out a new fixed deal for electricity for the next 12 months. There is the odd one around. Saves a bit on current tariff. Standing charge is higher but price per kw quite a bit less.