I have just completed an ICFA where zi only got to write 2 letters to my 10 year old daughter.
My daughter is saying she doesnt want to see me but is heavily influenced by mum. The icfa visits all took place at her home with mum present which I'm not too happy about. The icfa advisor has confirmed mam has never said anything negative about me but also hasn't said anything positive either.
She told our daughter she had permission to see me so the advisor has told me she will not be critical of her in the report to cafcas.
I was clearly unhappy I know they won't force my daughter to see me so I've lost access. There are no safeguarding issues but I was found guilty of dv in the family court in 2021 but since had unsupervised access.
I told the icfa mum is to blame. She is not promoting contact. Mum didn't suggest a parenting plan as there was no point as our daughter doesnt want access. I asked why is this not being seen as parent alienation.
I suggested we both go on a parenting course and mum is to text monthly updates about my daughters life. My daughter and her mum have me blocked so I can't communicate at all and asked for contact via my mum.
I feel as though the judge is just going to say they can't force contact and that's it. Feeling a bit helpless and would appreciate any advice. I don't see the point in hiring a solicitor if my daughter is refusing to see me.
My daughter is saying she doesnt want to see me but is heavily influenced by mum. The icfa visits all took place at her home with mum present which I'm not too happy about. The icfa advisor has confirmed mam has never said anything negative about me but also hasn't said anything positive either.
She told our daughter she had permission to see me so the advisor has told me she will not be critical of her in the report to cafcas.
I was clearly unhappy I know they won't force my daughter to see me so I've lost access. There are no safeguarding issues but I was found guilty of dv in the family court in 2021 but since had unsupervised access.
I told the icfa mum is to blame. She is not promoting contact. Mum didn't suggest a parenting plan as there was no point as our daughter doesnt want access. I asked why is this not being seen as parent alienation.
I suggested we both go on a parenting course and mum is to text monthly updates about my daughters life. My daughter and her mum have me blocked so I can't communicate at all and asked for contact via my mum.
I feel as though the judge is just going to say they can't force contact and that's it. Feeling a bit helpless and would appreciate any advice. I don't see the point in hiring a solicitor if my daughter is refusing to see me.