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How long roughly does it take to hear from c79 application please?

šŸ¤žā€Š hopefully. She text me the other day having a rant saying im manipulating the court and cafcass so I'm assuming she's being heavily investigated her end. I replied with I'm not capable of doing so evidence speaks for itself.
Thanks will ask.

Meeting at 12 so nervous and I've just done a night shift can't sleep but I know I should.

Nervous because I know today I will no doubt hear what my son is saying. Not bothered about ex accusation lies. But my son's will sting.
Thank you.

Mixed feelings.

I feel it went well.

Son has expressed he wants to see me. Excellent news.
Cafcass mentioned me and him to go on a program to help build a bridge.

My response to this is yes ok sounds good what ever is needed.
Told her we didn't need this before the mother intervened we had an amazing relationship.

I just hope it recognised that the mother has intervened and caused this section 7 was meant to find out if mom influenced son but now my son is all of a sudden saying yes I want to see him does this mean moms off the hook?

If they don't recognize she will carry on doing what she always do what she can to come in-between me and my son.
Depends what she does from here and what her position was before. Doe she go from being in favour of your son seeing you to then reverting back to obstruction when this intervention is over? The judge will be bearing it in mind.

Had a Child Contact Intervention been reccomended?
The thing is with my ex is she due to past experiance where i had to take her back to court for breach where she would refuse to let me see my son she's now learnt that's too obvious so she has now adapted the new tactic of altering my sons mind.
Which I have plenty of evidence and cafcass actually got me to email it over to her as she said she hasn't seen evidence nor statement.