I was also worried about that when my son came to me. It didn't happen, but it's a normal part of being a teenager - trying to play parents off against each other. And sadly teens can actually be easily bought! Up to a point. That is not specific to your son. At the end of the day though I don't think that would happen because he has respect for you - you described how he behaved when he was with you. And that is what talking is for - kind but firm man to man. Like - well I support you with xyz but I expect xyz as well. And give examples of famous people who manipulate etc (bad guys!) and famous people who are successful (good guys!) and how it's important how people behave. I had to learn that. Being authoritarian stopped working by 13! They rebel on principle. I had to change the way I dealt with things. Luckily my own Father helped as I remembered how he handled me as a teenager. With humour. It defused things. He'd say - well I'm not going to say no because I know you'll do it anyway so here's a tip - do it this way (or whatever).If he does not get what he wants from his mom or she does something he does not like my son is able to contact me and then he can come to my home. Then if he came here and he did not like something he would just go back to his mom. That is not right. I want no part of that.
Your son does sound like he needs help and I hope he improves now the court process is over. Re him not getting any cards - could you get them to him some other way? But this is why an online presence is important too.
I hear what you're saying but you sound like you're rejecting him already. I am the first to blame the ex for a lot of bad things she did (although I don't say that to my son), but I also accept my son didn't choose to be stuck between parents. So my advice is - don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.
And yes there is definitely a need to heal after a court process like that.