I wish, I had a solicitor firm representing me but I was feeling scammed by them after the first 10k spent, no results and too many delays, allowing her to extend her ignorance in replies. I ended up representing myself in court at the final financial hearing. I’ve managed to reduce it on a second hearing after my older son moved in with me in 2017, she did not bother to come at that hearing. I’m more than sure she will pretend that she did not received the letters. Still telling my kids I owe her tens of thousands and I did/do not helped/help her financially. Used to tell them she’s got no money for food when actually I was giving her 1k/month in 2015 and she was in a full employment, also she was claiming benefits. She was earning more than me at that time.my first call would be to the solicitor who represented me to ask why the bloody hell not and sue them for negligence
When visiting my place every other weekend, children used to demand answers from me why I do not give enough money to their mother. I’ve tried to explain them that is an adult issue and not to worry much about it and we should focus having a good time while we’re together. Many things I’ve done to protect the children against these disagreements, but I ended up the bad one as they only know one side of the story. Her lies, her lack of knowledge, her minimal appreciation towards things and people is feeding the source of education of my children and hurts badly. Maybe is too much to say, but their mother used to accuse me of things and her source of information was reading the tarot cards by her mother. Sounds funny and scary at the same time. You never know where the confidence comes in some people.