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Enforcement Hearing in 3days

Just before contact with my son stopped my son told me his mom's new partner was much worse than the previous partner who had abused my son. My son said it was more verbal abuse but it was getting worse. My son had even recorded it on his phone but would not let me listen to it. .I phoned social services.Now my contact has stopped and they have been to see my son, they told me my son gets on great with him.
I've said it a few times now. Something sinister is going on in the family courts.
You need some help outside the family court setting with specialism in PA.

If there's spaces and you can afford £240 there's a Karen Woodall group for dad's starting in October.

I listened to some of her group seminars and she gives great tips on ways to communicate with your child who is going through terrible times.
Just before contact with my son stopped my son told me his mom's new partner was much worse than the previous partner who had abused my son. My son said it was more verbal abuse but it was getting worse. My son had even recorded it on his phone but would not let me listen to it. .I phoned social services.Now my contact has stopped and they have been to see my son, they told me my son gets on great with him.
Who said your son gets on great with him? Your ex? I would suggest writing to the school (carefully) - address it to the Headteacher - along the lines of:

Dear xxxxxxxxxxx

Child Name

I'm the Father of child name and am just writing to ask if the school can offer any support to my son xxxxxxxx at this time. He is currently the subject of family court hearings. There is, unfortunately, no communication between his Mother and myself and I have not seen him since x date. I am concerned that he is under extreme pressure for unknown reasons, in addition to the court case.

Please can you let me know if you have any concerns about him in school and offer any support you can for him at this difficult time.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely

Your name"

They may appoint a mentor or counsellor and your son might feel he can open up to someone. If school has any concerns about his home life, they can involve social services - which looks better than you doing it. He can also talk confidentially, unless there is a safeguarding risk at ex's home (which is when the school would contact social services).

Keep it simply about your son and don't criticize your ex or make any accusations.
Social services are already involved. I called them before contact was stopped. Early help went to see my son. Social worker said my son was very scared when he spoke about me. The social worker advised my ex not to send my son to contact. Also at the court hearing my ex had been given a report by social services. How they can come up with any report when they do not even have the full facts. Judge asked if I had been contacted by early help. After the first call 2 months ago I have heard nothing as they have already made their mind up. The judge could not give me the report as it belongs to the social services. CAFCASS even said in the report that early help are involved and said both parents should take the help. I called the social worker twice over the last few weeks but does not answer my call. Out of the first hearing I wanted my son to have a guardian as this would ensble him to get the help he needs. Social services have failed my son in the past.
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