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Composite Final Hearing

Could you post about it in court outcomes please?

Will do @Ash

My ex's barrister was really good, he picked things out and tried to change the perspective on things which I found really smart.

I made good ground when I cross-examined my ex's witness, and the questions I wrote for the judge to cross-examine the ex made solid ground also.

I was extremely cool, calm and collected in that courtroom. I didn't make any negative comments I just stuck to the facts and pointed to the evidence.
Sounds like you did really well - and up against a barrister too. It's not an easy thing to do, keep emotion out of it. Undermining your ex's witnesses sounds to have been the key and presumably she had no evidence.
You should be proud of yourself :-)

I actually am. I beat the odds. I had everything against me. But I believed in my truth and I knew in my heart that things would work out somehow.

Being the best version of myself was the foundation..
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Your self belief and determination has been clear all along. Ridiculous it's taken two years. But now you can be with your child and be a Dad :-)
Your self belief and determination has been clear all along. Ridiculous it's taken two years. But now you can be with your child and be a Dad :-)

I had to jump through many hoops and overcome a lot of obstacles. Cafcass being one of the biggest. But nothing is impossible
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Because of the length of time of not seeing our child, and with our child being so young. Cafcass had an input.

I was skeptical at first but I agreed to the ICFA for reintroduction work. Both parents are also required to do a Cafcass co-parenting online course. Cafcass then file an addendum report and a final, final order is then made 😃

The court order from last week states, no findings made and there is no bar to contact 😊

I have felt in a daze all week, I can't quite understand how Im feeling. I'm obviously overjoyed and absolutely ecstatic but I think because my life has been filled with grief and pain for 3 years to then do a 360 just like that, I haven't quite processed or adjusted to starting a new life as a Dad again. I will take each day as they come, and embrace the change.

Once I get that final order I will write a post about my journey and outcome.