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Body hair alcohol and drug test


New member
Hi all,
Hope everyone is doing well.

Does anyone know the timeframe on an overview test from 1-3cm of body hair from experience?
They need at least 3cm to take the test and can take the hair from other areas not just your head. If you don’t have hair on your body they will generally then ask for a nail test which will monitor 6 months.

It also depends what they are testing for?
If they are testing for drugs they will be adamant on hair or nail. If it’s for alcohol then sometimes they ask for Peth test which monitors abstinence/intake for the last money or so

I have heard of people failing hair test for alcohol but then passing a Peth test which proves you are not alcoholic but the hair proves you have been on some binges over the last few months. Then it’s obviously up to the judge on how he wants to move forward

Hope this helps
Thank you. I have 3cm of body hair I just wondered what the time frame of that would be. Lots of contrasting articles online and the lab weren’t helpful either.
I spoke to Cansford Laboratories, they were quite helpful on the phone. He explained with body hair that 3cm would average about a 6 month window due to around half your body hairs being in a 'dormant' phase, head hair more like 10% dormant so shorter time frame, and they cant use armpit hair for the alcohol testing because of contamination from deodarants. If not enough body hair then fingernail or toenails can be used, fingernail 6 months, toenail up to 12 months.

Head hair can be segmented to show a timeframe of usage but body hair cant due to the nature of its growth, so if you had a couple of binges a few months ago the body hair cant show when, I was worried about that myself so was going to ask barrister to suggest a Peth test at the hearing, I wasnt worried about the drug test.

In the end, despite the allegations, at the FHDRA I didnt get asked to do any testing
I spoke to Cansford Laboratories, they were quite helpful on the phone. He explained with body hair that 3cm would average about a 6 month window due to around half your body hairs being in a 'dormant' phase, head hair more like 10% dormant so shorter time frame, and they cant use armpit hair for the alcohol testing because of contamination from deodarants. If not enough body hair then fingernail or toenails can be used, fingernail 6 months, toenail up to 12 months.

Head hair can be segmented to show a timeframe of usage but body hair cant due to the nature of its growth, so if you had a couple of binges a few months ago the body hair cant show when, I was worried about that myself so was going to ask barrister to suggest a Peth test at the hearing, I wasnt worried about the drug test.

In the end, despite the allegations, at the FHDRA I didnt get asked to do any testing
Thank you for your reply. I have the same concerns in regards to body hair and it not showing exactly when. I almost feel at a disadvantage with this. For instance I had a day at the races two months back where I drank more than I would usually. I’m frightened that it would come back high and as an overview it’s all tarred with the same brush.

The collector came out yesterday and didn’t think I had enough body hair. The volume was there but not the length. She took some beard hair but wasn’t sure that would be long enough either. But said at least it showed I was willing to participate. Not sure if that’s more like head hair. Mentally drained by this test, the financial aspect of it in itself is enough but can already see what’s coming next and it will be another delay with the ex complaining that I’m bald and can’t grow body hair to her desired length.
Body hair tests can detect substance use for a much longer period than head hair, sometimes up to a year depending on the length. However, if body hair is the only option, labs usually test it as a substitute for head hair, though results might not be as precise in terms of timeline.
Body hair tests can detect substance use for a much longer period than head hair, sometimes up to a year depending on the length. However, if body hair is the only option, labs usually test it as a substitute for head hair, though results might not be as precise in terms of timeline.
For more details on detox options and testing insights, has useful resources about substance tests and recovery steps.