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Actions to be taken after mother defies court order

I have just twigged, this interfered with pre-arranged plans for his birthday and she already had photos. It might just be she wanted to destroy your get together. Could be a one-off, definitely looks bad.
The thing that concerns me about above , is her claiming aggressive behaviour at her doorstep in front of the kids. I had this with my ex. I would turn up to take them to school every tuesday and friday. They would never be ready and I had two options to wait outside in the car and boys would be late for school or to knock to try and gee everyone along. Either way it led to NMO and final hearing of supported contact. My advise is be very careful regarding pick ups without taking a third party with you.

With regard to demand to send proof that you have a safe bedroom, this is just ridiculous.

I feel for you mate , sounds just like my ex be wary and cover your arse
I was taking a third party to many handovers (my partner), more just as an extra pair of hands than anything (to carry his stuff) but this caused an angry confrontation (“why do you keep coming to my doorstep?”). Her mother appeared as well (“I’ve spotted you (my partner) feeding [child’s name] in a restaurant, don’t you think that’s inappropriate?”). We kept our cool but I responded by sending an email saying “we should try and avoid confrontation such as that in front of our child etc. My partner is another person in our child’s life that loves him and that should be seen as a positive. It’s not unforeseeable that there will be circumstances where my partner has to undertake handovers in the future, therefore it’s important we all avoid any further hostility”. She has a recording doorbell camera as I mentioned, I’m not one to get worked up or behave in a confrontational manner so I’m not worried (in fact it’s this ability to remain dispassionate during disagreements that has historically angered her). I’ll record future handovers with a voice record note, just to be safe, but I wouldn’t think it would ever be needed (it’s very hard to use recordings as evidence anyway).
It's not really evidence in the same sense as the criminal courts. Voice recordings would be no good, but screen shots from mobile phone video or even dash cam footage could be added to a section in a bundle to give the court a visual representation if things took a turn for the worst. I have managed to use this to great effect to discredit most of my exes false claims.
It's not really evidence in the same sense as the criminal courts. Voice recordings would be no good, but screen shots from mobile phone video or even dash cam footage could be added to a section in a bundle to give the court a visual representation if things took a turn for the worst. I have managed to use this to great effect to discredit most of my exes false claims.
This is a good way to go.

My ex would make accusations that my daughter was dragged kicking and screaming to my car and i was abusive and threatening on pick ups. Best buy is a good dashcam and on pick ups make sure you don't move from the car or in the vicinity to be picked up by the dashcam.

On a denied pick up day my ex called police stating the above, i was abusive, threatening and violent. Police knew what my ex was like by this time and on my return home I invited them to meet me, which they did.

Now a threat like this would normally meant another arrest and hours with the police before the usual NFA but this would no doubt ruin my day as was the ex's plan. Police met me i was able to let them view the dash cam of my leaving home and driving to my ex, what went on, then me driving back, even the call the police made to me was recorded.

Threw my ex's claims right out as they could see i never left the car and it was her abusing try to get a reaction, of course the police did nothing about her but it covered me.