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Wife accusing me of alcohol issues


New member
I’ve mentioned it before but we are currently living together and her solicitor sent me a letter around 3 weeks ago saying i should leave the house. Now i’m not doing that!

The custody letter said that I am allowed to see my son for day time activities away from places that service alcohol and must return him by 6pm so she can put him to bed! I put him to bed! and we live together! it implies we can sort out over night stays if i take an alcohol hair strand test. We live in the same house!

She recently went away for a week and left him with me as she’s done many times before and we’ve had trips just the two of us. And i’m taking him camping for four nights tomorrow, though the solicitor says she ‘doesn’t want to let him down so he can go but you can’t consume alcohol’ well i won’t just out of principle… but it’s hardly the actions of a woman with serious safeguarding worries is it

i get my response from my solicitor tomorrow who is going to hopefully have a field day with this mad approach but i’m not being overly optimistic am i in thinking this is just massively contradictory?
Yep welcome to the wonderful world of family court matters 😅

Don't bother trying to understand it. Just navigate it and let the professionals come to their own conclusions.

Solicitors often couldn't care less its just a few hundred quid in their back pocket drafting letters with this nonsense
The letters are nonsensical as things stand.

This can change at the drop of a hat.

Carefully diarise all events you have described and all that follow. Record all conversations with your ex. Follow up in writing in a very lowkey manner. E.g. quick text to say child: settled in really quickly and is sleeping soundly in the tent. See you on xxxxday.

Please do not underestimate your ex. Mine lived in the same house with me for 4 months after separation. She left the child with me to attend our first hearing remotely with her legal team. Then her barrister persuaded the judge that our child is not safe in my care. I trust that you are telling us the truth. I trust that an idiot could see how ridiculous your ex's position is. I do not trust court to give your case the time and attention necessary to cut through the shit. You are liable to receive a cautious summary judgement. This will create a status quo which favours your ex. That status quo is usually paramount.
The letters are nonsensical as things stand.

This can change at the drop of a hat.

Carefully diarise all events you have described and all that follow. Record all conversations with your ex. Follow up in writing in a very lowkey manner. E.g. quick text to say child: settled in really quickly and is sleeping soundly in the tent. See you on xxxxday.

Please do not underestimate your ex. Mine lived in the same house with me for 4 months after separation. She left the child with me to attend our first hearing remotely with her legal team. Then her barrister persuaded the judge that our child is not safe in my care. I trust that you are telling us the truth. I trust that an idiot could see how ridiculous your ex's position is. I do not trust court to give your case the time and attention necessary to cut through the shit. You are liable to receive a cautious summary judgement. This will create a status quo which favours your ex. That status quo is usually paramount.
The letters are nonsensical as things stand.

This can change at the drop of a hat.

Carefully diarise all events you have described and all that follow. Record all conversations with your ex. Follow up in writing in a very lowkey manner. E.g. quick text to say child: settled in really quickly and is sleeping soundly in the tent. See you on xxxxday.

Please do not underestimate your ex. Mine lived in the same house with me for 4 months after separation. She left the child with me to attend our first hearing remotely with her legal team. Then her barrister persuaded the judge that our child is not safe in my care. I trust that you are telling us the truth. I trust that an idiot could see how ridiculous your ex's position is. I do not trust court to give your case the time and attention necessary to cut through the shit. You are liable to receive a cautious summary judgement. This will create a status quo which favours your ex. That status quo is usually paramount.
what is a cautious summary judgement? Am i naive in thinking we will solve custody out of court through mediation?
what is a cautious summary judgement? Am i naive in thinking we will solve custody out of court through mediation?
Not naive, ambitious maybe.

It would be a judgement made hurriedly by a court that has no concern for you. If your ex makes allegations. She initiates a process which will take months or years. During that time you are guilty. By the time you are shown not to be a risk. Advantage is already lost.