Hey everyone, I hope you are all doing ok.
Could I get an opinion on this please....
So I've currently got stbx's solicitor and social worker on my back as in court it was mentioned that I would take the children to an activity at 5pm on a Monday night.
Everything was very rushed in court and not properly thought through at all.
To begin, picking up my children at 5pm to take them to an activity and back at 7pm would mean they would have to be very rushed, there is then the fact that there is nothing near to where they live and crossing the city at 5pm in work traffic would actualy mean more time in the car.
Stbx is also not interested in doing any of the journeys so it makes things even harder.
Social worker has been suggesting trampolining, climbing walls, etc. The cost of such activities was nearly £50+ for a two hour session.
I cant afford that.
I'm noew being told I will be in breach of the order! I'm panicking now as this is absolute maddness!
I also stated that in peak summer we could go to the park or to play football but ofcourse in this winter weather this is not an option.
I cant be taking them for a paid activity every week!
Please help. I don't know what to say back to them. Thankyou.