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Update on my case


New member
Just to add. I had my FHDRA yesterday.

I didn't get to say a word and was asked no questions.

Me or my barrister didn't get sight of her position statement and it wasn't sent to me as per the court order.

Mine is going to a pre fact finding hearing.

I had two clear peth tests. Her barrister stated they didn't have time to look at the test results, and even blamed it on the bad court wifi.

Although they emailed my barrister contact details of her solicitor during the case.

So they withheld the right to assess the results to see if they are happy with the testing and more testing could be required when I am back in March.

CAFCASS recommendation was 3 month HST. And I did two months peth testing.

I will be 6 months clear by the next court date.
Why would the court not allow your testing to be checked? I guess because it was not suggested at that stage by cafcass prior? So just to be clear, cafcass recommended 3 month hair strand test prior to the FHDRA, but this was not enforced at the FHDRA by the court? So no further testing in the interim period between the FHDRA and your next hearing?

What interim contact arrangements were put in place?
Why would the court not allow your testing to be checked? I guess because it was not suggested at that stage by cafcass prior? So just to be clear, cafcass recommended 3 month hair strand test prior to the FHDRA, but this was not enforced at the FHDRA by the court? So no further testing in the interim period between the FHDRA and your next hearing?

What interim contact arrangements were put in place?
It wasn't so much the court didn't allow it.

Cafcass had recommended a 3 month HST and commented on that I had undertaken a alcohol test with an accredited firm. Detailed in their safeguarding letter.

She had a barrister and solicitor.

No alcohol testing to be done in the interim period. The judges agreed on all recommendations both barristers made and didn't comment on the alcohol testing, they just asked if her side was happy with the level of testing.

Their barrister argued there is insufficient information to decide on whether additional testing is required or if the results are satisfactory to them, due to not seeing the results.

So they could ask for further testing if unhappy with the results or believe further testing is required ( this was her barrister, not the court)

Judges agreed there is Insufficient Information to make decisions at this point in time.

Statement of allegations to be filed within 28 days. Me to respond within 14 days. The judge made a point to keep allegations relevant to a CAO and reminded them that Scott schedules do not exist anymore.

Also they had a big discussion about the case going to a district judge due to the serious allegations.

Her barrister made clear it wasn't necessary as its mainly in relation to coercive control allegations, not the sexual assault and rape allegations included within the safeguarding letter. Judges agreed to keep it at magistrates.

No idea if that's a good thing

No interim access to the children, as mother refused.
I have just a received cafcass case closure letter.

Does anyone know why this is? Is it due to social services now being involved?

Should I be concerned?