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UK Conscription - Good luck with that!


Experienced member
No matter where you look across the UK news landscape at the moment, you can't seem to avoid this ongoing debate regarding the comments made by outgoing head of the British Army, General Sir Patrick Sanders. Using Ukraine as an example he said; "regular armies start wars, citizen armies win them" in reference to the volume of Ukrainian civilians who have had to take up arms and join the Ukranian military to help defend their country from invasion. And we should think about doing the same.

I think the point he's making has been a bit lost. The response to that comment from many is, over my dead body would I let myself be conscripted into the army just to be sent to a war I did not want and do not support just to be killed or maimed for nothing. And I don't disagree.

The Afghanistan experience also feeding into the debate with almost everyone reminding the media that not only have many limbless veterans who deployed to the hell of Helmand Province find themselves abandonded by the UK upon their return as "heroe's," many are now homeless!! Battling PTSD and mental health services in this country are a sham. One of the most shameful situations in UK history. Some have even faced criminal charges for doing their job in a war, killing the enemy before he kills you. So it comes as no surprise that army recruitment is in big trouble. It is now a professional force of around 73,000, compared to around 100,000 in 2010. The British army could number just 52,000 troops in ten years time, based on current trends.

But I think the point that General Sanders is trying to make is that, if the UK was invaded, by Russia for example, however unlikely, would we be able to call upon our nations men and women to defend it?

The answer to that is clear I think. No! The Spirit of the Blitz is long gone. Several generations gone. Britain is not Ukraine, or the United States for that matter. There is zero patriotism for this country now. The screw has been turned so tightly on society over the last 25 years, no-one has the will to fight for anything but their own attempts to survive againt a Government that screws the people over at every turn.

The UK Government abuses the population with taxes, both from the way it takes it from the taxpayer and in the way it spends it. Then you've got the scandals during Lockdown where we were all prisoners in our own homes for over a year while they're having parties! And that's ontop of Credit Crunches, Recessions and now a Cost of Living Crisis crippling many with extortionate energy and grocery bills. Ironically caused by the war that they're warning us all we may have to go and fight in!

What else is broken? Pretty much everything. Our Economy. Our Armed Forces. Education. Police. The NHS. The Family Courts.

Most young people would probably welcome an invading army in with open arms, on the proviso they did a better job of running the place than these hopeless, deceitful w*****s currently in power.
Yes he is. And he probably has an easier time of it. Maybe if National Service included a Boneless Banquet, UK youngsters might be persuaded.
They're not seriously thinking of conscription are they? It's a different world. I think even WWI raised the issue of how crazy things are.
There are many things wrong with the UK, you have mentioned just a few. My decision to leave and become an EU resident was a no brainer.
They're not seriously thinking of conscription are they? It's a different world. I think even WWI raised the issue of how crazy things are.

It's gaining momentum which is becoming a concern. Because its not for the right reasons. A few other politicians have also voiced their justifications for it. The media has reported on it every day this week.

The actual Government has told the media that there are no plans to reintroduce National Service, but they are planning to debate the matter in the House of Commons.

In some ways, if thought about and applied properly, it could actually solve some social problems. There's a knife crime epidemic in this coutry that's seeing young lads stabbing each other to death over Post Code drug territory. Digging deeper into that problem, the root cause is poverty, social injustice, single parent families, tough inner-city living, unemployment. Poor education. Not much hope and very few prospects for our countries young men and women. Joining a gang earns them money. Gains them a warped sense of respect and makes them feel like they're a part of something. But that something is potentially death by the hands of a rival gang. And they become another statistic that's seen hundreds of teenage boys killed by knives.

Restructure a part of the army that allows our young adults the chance to learn some self-dicipline and self-confidence. Learn some relevant practical and technical skills that they can bring back into civvy street after 12 or 24 months of service (assuming there's jobs to actually apply for) such as communication, teamwork, problem solving, leadership, and technical skills like IT and Engineering. Don't do it just to build up troop numbers then send them into a European battlefield like cannon-fodder.