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totally confused - Do I pay full maintenance or not?


New member
My son was 19 in September. i have regularly paid maintenance to my ex , by using child maintenance calculator and paying her every month when I get paid. He left school, did a fiull time course in car mechanics and worked in a pub whenever he could. Passed the course but then decided to change direction and become a chef. he goes to college two days a week for a level 2 NVQ in Catering and Hospitality and works at a pub on the other days.
I'm getting confused as to whether I still have to pay full maintenance as he is working and only attending college 2 days a week. He hardly gives his mum much in housekeeping (£80 a month). I was under the impression maintenance stops once he finished full time aducation -surely two days a week is not full time? His college hours are 1 day 9-5 and the other day 12-5.30. I dont mind helping him out but do I still have to pay full whack?
Any help much appreciated!