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The screen


Experienced member
I know that there are instances in matters of the courts where anonymity is necessary and a screen in court preserves that anonymity.

But why does my wife insist on one throughout this entire process of hearings? I mean I know what she looks like. Perhaps it's to keep the idea of me being a threat going.

Now that allegations are gone she still insists on it.

Can anybody speak about what a judge makes of it and how it can impact a case please.
My ex did the same . It’s just to make her look like the victim and you the aggressor.

What was ridiculous was that in the waiting room she came up for “ a chat” telling me the kids miss me, after stopping access. Clearly trying to provoke a reaction.

The judges just cover their arses with the domestic abuse legislation. Easier to allow a screens than not
In any case where either party or both parties allege domestic abuse, even if agreed or not, the Judge will order screens, neither party has to request them it’s just part of the legislation that they have to provide screens as soon as DA is alleged.
It sounds like it's pontificating in front of the Judge to get sympathy but I don't think that'll make any difference.
In any case where either party or both parties allege domestic abuse, even if agreed or not, the Judge will order screens, neither party has to request them it’s just part of the legislation that they have to provide screens as soon as DA is alleged.
Yes, seen this in the latest Order for the first time ever. Think a memo may have gone out from the President of the Family Division.

As pointed out, judges are going to be neutral until a Fact Find so it's pretty meaningless.
I know that there are instances in matters of the courts where anonymity is necessary and a screen in court preserves that anonymity.

But why does my wife insist on one throughout this entire process of hearings? I mean I know what she looks like. Perhaps it's to keep the idea of me being a threat going.

Now that allegations are gone she still insists on it.

Can anybody speak about what a judge makes of it and how it can impact a case please.
Its to make you look the big scary man and the ex the poor frightened woman.

My ex tried it constantly to the point it was becoming a farce as she would end up shouting from behind the screen at anything and anyone..
Its to make you look the big scary man and the ex the poor frightened woman.

My ex tried it constantly to the point it was becoming a farce as she would end up shouting from behind the screen at anything and anyone..
Sorry to laugh Scotay but it's a vivid image!
I call them "the props" and make it laughable.

This is all part of an act. Judges see these at the majority of hearings. They are not phased by them IMO.

Had the ex shout and scream from behind her screen, the act soon wears thin.
I know that there are instances in matters of the courts where anonymity is necessary and a screen in court preserves that anonymity.

But why does my wife insist on one throughout this entire process of hearings? I mean I know what she looks like. Perhaps it's to keep the idea of me being a threat going.

Now that allegations are gone she still insists on it.

Can anybody speak about what a judge makes of it and how it can impact a case please.
I believe they know it is usually a charade. My ex had special measures. She didn't follow them and it got her no special treatment from the judge.
It is really.

There would be a discussion going on then all of a sudden this irate voice would appear from nowhere ranting and raving. At one point she even reached round the side of the screen to shout and point at a SS solicitor..:D:D
I did make me laugh too. We have to find humour in the madness.
I believe they know it is usually a charade. My ex had special measures. She didn't follow them and it got her no special treatment from the judge.
Special needs more like

Title of this thread made me laugh, could be a movie "the screen"