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Supervised contact with report?


New member
Hi all.

I've been attending a supported contact centre up until recently. The ex is now stating she no longer wants to attend the centre we have been using.

The ex is claiming that I am rough with the children whilst they are in my care. The centre have confirmed to CAFCASS that they have witnessed no such thing with me, but it is supported rather than supervised contact (so no report). A big thing is made about them having a policy of not writing reports, and I'm always being told they are "impartial". The children have reported to CAFCASS that I have been rough with them too during the visits, which I deny and wonder where this is originating from.

The two options I am considering are a supervised contact centre with an accompanying report, or using an independent social worker for the same purpose? The idea being that I can get some more solid evidence to prove I'm not rough, as she claims. Would people recommend either of these, and what are the risks?
Go for the supervised visits in the CC just so you can get the reports and you're showing willing.
At least the kids will know the centre and the staff already.
Supervised will be more expensive than supported, but cheaper than an ISW. Which you would need agreement from the mother or court, to apply for.
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There's another centre that is a similar distance to the children than the last one. They offer supervised with reports. It's about double the distance for me, however. Manageable, but only short term. Hence why I have been considering the ISW path.

Besides cost, are there any other differences between these two options? E.g. court validity, lead time?
I think the lead time depends on the centre buddy. I rang around a few in the area and they had different lead times. Based on the quotes I obtained, supervised contact is substantially cheaper than an ISW.

I am currently having supervised time with my child vis a family centre, awaiting my Cafcass call and FHDRA. Ex will only allow me to see my child via a family centre. Ex initially had a solicitor and I got confirmation in writing that ex was happy for me to use the centre I selected. My solicitor at the time (since gone LiP), advised me to make sure ex was happy for me to use the family centre I suggested otherwise it could cause issues in court.

I’ve been having supervision in the community, not just in the centre, which I’m hoping will be in my favour when it gets to my FHDRA.

Edit: just seen your other post about costs. I have to pay the costs of this as ex is alleging I’m a risk to my child and as such, I should have to pay. I feel like I don’t have much choice, either pay to see my child, or don’t pay and not see them.