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Suggestions whilst on bail for child contact


New member
Hi all,

I was given bail conditions where I am unable to speak to my ex partner.

1. Directly or indirectly unless via a 3rd person to facilitate child supervision.

I am struggling for options to see my child. Is there a 3rd person that can facilitate this?

I have no family that are able to do this, and her family are also uncooperative.

The police bail conditions are incredibly harsh and being used to punish myself. There is no accusations of DV or abuse directly to my ex or child. I am unsure why the bail conditions have been set.

Desperate to see my child, struggling for ideas.
Hi all,

I was given bail conditions where I am unable to speak to my ex partner.

1. Directly or indirectly unless via a 3rd person to facilitate child supervision.

I am struggling for options to see my child. Is there a 3rd person that can facilitate this?

I have no family that are able to do this, and her family are also uncooperative.

The police bail conditions are incredibly harsh and being used to punish myself. There is no accusations of DV or abuse directly to my ex or child. I am unsure why the bail conditions have been set.

Desperate to see my child, struggling for ideas.
do you have a friend who could act as a go between ?

Trust me, there are many on here who are in a similar position, including myself.
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do you have a friend who could act as a go between ?

Trust me, there are many on here who are in a similar position, including myself.
Not really any friends as such anymore….

I have thought of maybe employing a child minder type of person?? Unsure of that will work or not.
Does your ex have a solicitor? You could contact her solicitor. I think your ex isn't going to let you see your child until you have a court hearing and hopefully an interim order.
Does your ex have a solicitor? You could contact her solicitor. I think your ex isn't going to let you see your child until you have a court hearing and hopefully an interim order.
Not that I know of.

Is it worth me paying a solicitor to send a formal letter ?
Yes it could be - then it's not directly from you and probably the best chance of getting some child arrangements organised.
How did you get arrested and put on bail without prior accusations of DV or DA?

I was accused of fraud by misrepresentation which she has accused me of taking a credit card out in her name without her knowledge.

There is nothing that states domestic violence or a threat to my ex.

Yet, the police was happy to place bail restrictions that fucked me over royally…
I was accused of fraud by misrepresentation which she has accused me of taking a credit card out in her name without her knowledge.

There is nothing that states domestic violence or a threat to my ex.

Yet, the police was happy to place bail restrictions that fucked me over royally…
And what is the truth of that accusation/claim (if any?)
And what is the truth of that accusation/claim (if any?)

She knew about the cards…… she wasn’t happy with the amount on them. Then she’s denied knowledge of them and got me arrested.

I hid some debts from her and obviously with a break down of the relationship it’s been used against me.

Yet she’s happy to presume she’s entitled to the family home which has a lot of equity in it.

Bail is for 3 months and solicitor said it will likely go on for years before court.
She knew about the cards…… she wasn’t happy with the amount on them. Then she’s denied knowledge of them and got me arrested.

I hid some debts from her and obviously with a break down of the relationship it’s been used against me.

Yet she’s happy to presume she’s entitled to the family home which has a lot of equity in it.

Bail is for 3 months and solicitor said it will likely go on for years before court.
That's preposterous! But hey, if you can now get arrested simply for being accused of DA and without a shred of evidence, then why not also for fraud and who knows what else! Just out of curiosity, how did the police go about arresting you and what specifically did they state as the suspected offense?

Tbh I fail to see how this could not be considered a false arrest under the actual law in this country. In my mind it would have to fall somehow under the category of DA, in order to be valid. You should get proper legal advice to question this, in my opinion.
That's preposterous! But hey, if you can now get arrested simply for being accused of DA and without a shred of evidence, then why not also for fraud and who knows what else! Just out of curiosity, how did the police go about arresting you and what specifically did they state as the suspected offense?

Tbh I fail to see how this could not be considered a false arrest under the actual law in this country. In my mind it would have to fall somehow under the category of DA, in order to be valid. You should get proper legal advice to question this, in my opinion.

Thank you for the reply.

I was arrested on the suspeicion of fraud by misrepresentation.

The evidence given in the interview from the ex was 95% made up bullshit.

Now fraud by misrepresentation…. Which funnily enough…. The law states that if someone takes credit out in your name; you are a victim of identity theft which isn’t a crime in this country.

The crime is committed against the bank / loaner as the are at the financial loss.

My other half, even if I was guilty of taking the credit in her name….. is not a victim.

Yet she’s happy to think she’s keeping a house with 200k + equity in….