I'm looking forward to the next interim supervised contact session in the series the court has ordered before the next directions hearing. The sessions have been going really well so far. Encouraging and complimentary supervision reports have been received.
My drug and alcohol test came back negative, but the stbx's showed continuing cannabis use.
Today I received an email from the stbx's solicitor informing me that they will be relocating from this area to a city a good 75 minutes drive away. This is planned to happen a week before the next hearing. Clearly it will mean that the child will have to change schools mid way through the year. The school where she is now is 300 metres from the former matrimonial home where I still live. It's her first ever school and she's very happy there and has all the friends she's ever known. At the next hearing, I had planned to ask the court for weekday stays so I could pick her up from school and mum would collect her after school two days later.
From what I understand, both parents need to agree with a change of school, so to just inform me about the intention to relocate doesn't suffice. Clearly this move has been planned to thwart the plans for me to regain my co-parenting role, which was removed when the mother left back in October making false allegations of DA. The judge luckily disregarded the Cafcass no contact recommendation and ordered supervised contact pending the next directions hearing.
I will contact the child's current school to find out if they already knew of the plan to remove the child mid year. I would have expected they should have informed me straight away in that event.
This seems to be a replay of the ex's plans to abduct the child out of the UK last year, which was the original reason I had to seek an exparte hearing for a prohibited steps order to prevent the child from leaving the UK. It doesn't say anything about relocation within the UK though.
As the relocation is planned to occur before the next hearing, I'm guessing I will have to apply for another PSO to stop the child from being removed from her current school which would not be in her best interest. Do you think under the circumstances, the court may grant a change of residency? Perhaps I should consider a barrister as I've been self rep up to now.
My drug and alcohol test came back negative, but the stbx's showed continuing cannabis use.
Today I received an email from the stbx's solicitor informing me that they will be relocating from this area to a city a good 75 minutes drive away. This is planned to happen a week before the next hearing. Clearly it will mean that the child will have to change schools mid way through the year. The school where she is now is 300 metres from the former matrimonial home where I still live. It's her first ever school and she's very happy there and has all the friends she's ever known. At the next hearing, I had planned to ask the court for weekday stays so I could pick her up from school and mum would collect her after school two days later.
From what I understand, both parents need to agree with a change of school, so to just inform me about the intention to relocate doesn't suffice. Clearly this move has been planned to thwart the plans for me to regain my co-parenting role, which was removed when the mother left back in October making false allegations of DA. The judge luckily disregarded the Cafcass no contact recommendation and ordered supervised contact pending the next directions hearing.
I will contact the child's current school to find out if they already knew of the plan to remove the child mid year. I would have expected they should have informed me straight away in that event.
This seems to be a replay of the ex's plans to abduct the child out of the UK last year, which was the original reason I had to seek an exparte hearing for a prohibited steps order to prevent the child from leaving the UK. It doesn't say anything about relocation within the UK though.
As the relocation is planned to occur before the next hearing, I'm guessing I will have to apply for another PSO to stop the child from being removed from her current school which would not be in her best interest. Do you think under the circumstances, the court may grant a change of residency? Perhaps I should consider a barrister as I've been self rep up to now.