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Submitting Evidence - Text, Voice, Video - Any ideas?

A colleauge was accused of sexual abuse by the ex (mother) and the police interviewed the child who on video said the mother told her to say she was abused.

That video was the key evidence that exonerated the father who intimately got full parental responsibility.

Apparently it was watched once in court but the transcript is what the judge relied upon.
Really positive thread this one.

I've got my final hearing coming up.

I can see, from at least 30 miles off, what my ex is trying to do. No safeguarding issues have ever been followws up but she's still going after my basic care of the children.

Good to read that the safeguarding issues have been dealt with and now it's all about presenting a solid, evidenced case for why 50/50 is the best for my children.

Although I'm not looking forward to it, I know I've got a really strong case and plenty of evidnece to support where I want my children to be.

It's been a nightmare to get to this stage but I'm certainly looking forward rather than sideways or backwards and posts like this really help.
A colleauge was accused of sexual abuse by the ex (mother) and the police interviewed the child who on video said the mother told her to say she was abused.

That video was the key evidence that exonerated the father who intimately got full parental responsibility.

Apparently it was watched once in court but the transcript is what the judge relied upon.
@BrassTacks Please do you know the process that your colleague used to be allowed to present the video in court? Was it sent to the court before the hearing? If it was how was this done? By flashdrive, CD etc. Or he simply allowed to play the video in court from his phone?

I have a hearing in less than a week's time and I am in a similar predicament and I have a voicenote that I think can help. Kindly respond asap.
@BrassTacks Please do you know the process that your colleague used to be allowed to present the video in court? Was it sent to the court before the hearing? If it was how was this done? By flashdrive, CD etc. Or he simply allowed to play the video in court from his phone?

I have a hearing in less than a week's time and I am in a similar predicament and I have a voicenote that I think can help. Kindly respond asap.
The family courts are interested in the child and focused on the child. Abuse of lack of abuse as just as important.
if the evidence is overwhelming, it will be used. If your own legal representative is hesitant to have the evidence used, it is likely the impact will be limited.

Looking at the thread on evidence, I would assume you have to get the voicenote transcribed by a translation/transcription service, or perhaps use software (like Microsoft Speech or MS TEAMs transcription software, check it, then use the document as evidence stating the voicenote is avail for verification if required. Expect the other side to scrutinise it and try pick out inaccuracies.

You have to use time stamps with neutral descriptors (although I would be interested to hear from others)
00:00 Woman 1: Raised voice "xyz abc"
00:12 Man 1: Quietly "lmn blah blah blah"
01:15: Child: Crying "etc etc etc"

hope that is helpful
Hi all,

Sorry to hijack an old thread but is it’s relevant. I have got to go to a directions hearing where a judge will see if a FF is needed based on ex’s allegations and my response.

Ex hasn’t submitted her Scott schedule to me yet but in the FHDRA she continued to make a very serious allegation that I caused her a physical injury and NMO has also been granted (at a separate hearing) due to the same allegations of physical violence. Ex previously claimed the injury was self inflicted (I shall not go in details as it’s too specific to my case). I was arrested and NFA’d relating to the same allegation.

I have video footage, date and time stamped, showing the injury. It is different to the description ex is alleging, and it also shows her talking to me and behaving in a way which totally counteracts her allegation that she was terrified of me and thought I was going to kill her. Ex knows that I had a camera recording and was not done covertly although she will try and weasel out of it and say it was but again I have evidence to help prove she was aware of it.

Question is, how on earth do I exhibit this in my response/ get a judge to see it? Currently we are both LiPs with DaBs but I think I’m getting to the point where I may need a solicitor as I don’t want some legal technicality to get this evidence undermined/not submitted.

I’ve also got lots of other evidence I could use in support of my version of the truth but it seems excessive to refer to it all. Can it just be filed in a bundle, just not referred to but it’s there if I need it?
Can it just be filed in a bundle, just not referred to but it’s there if I need it?
Yes it can.

Question is, how on earth do I exhibit this in my response/ get a judge to see it?
You share the file through dropbox. My ex did this to me with recordings of us and the child. The judge admitted it as evidence despite very late filing. There is case law for recordings not being admitted though. It is not surefire.

Just speaking from my experience. Others may know better.
thanks resolute. I’m guessing I would have to send over all the camera footage that I have, not just the bits that are of interest? The file size for the lot is rather huge, like 128gb, and spread over multiple files. I just really want to exhibit the pertinent bits, not just a continual recording.

If you’re not sure, and others are not sure either, it might be a job for a solicitor as it’s getting rather technical now.
128gb is too much I think, that would be 40-120 hours for me. I have between 3-400 gb of recordings. I would only ever draw upon pertinent excerpts based on what is thrown at me. I think you need to do excerpts and say that the full file is available if it would assist the court. You need to be happy there is nothing that would go against you if the whole 128gb is pored over. There us also a question of delay if too much evidence is submitted. No judge is going to dedicate many hours to recordings. You only need enough to show the point.

My ex did the bits that suited her and only shared audio from the videos she took. The judge was not impressed. He let it in as evidence knowing it proved nothing. The final judge listened to it during the hearing. He was not impressed either. Her files were double digit mb, nowhere near gbs.