I've applied to have current CAO enforced as agreed Wed contact from 3 til 7 ended when our son began attending school. I was advised by the court to seek anamendment to current order to allow me to collect our son from School on one day in the week rather than have him for 2 hrs from 4pm from a venue an hours jrn from my home. It's taken a year and it has come to light that there is a lifetime non molestation order on file relating to accusations she made against me in 2016. Because of this order the court decided that whilst this was in place I could not collect him from school but only that contact would start at current drop off and end at 7pm rather than 6 at same venue. This means that I will never be able to collect our son from School and we face the prospect of wandering around in the dark and cold for 3 hrs during winter months or spending 2 hrs travelling for an hour at home. Every Wed until he's 18. His mum lied and lied in court and this didn't seem to bother them. She's now free to manipulate me whenever she wishes and will break the order at will because she always has. I'm being treated like a criminal and I've never done any of the things she has accused me of. How am I going to tell my little boy the reason why I cannot collect him from School like all the other parents?