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Solicitor dirty tricks


Experienced member
So I have a position statement from my Ex through the solicitor, it contains a heavy payload of unfounded disjointed nonsense, however its not dated or signed, I have given it a week, still nothing,

Is this the bit where, they wait till the clock runs down before the next court date heavily load it again with more then right at the last min sign and date it? Anyone had experience of this? Do I just point this out and copy the court in?
I don't think it has to be signed and dated tbh. I've never signed and dated mine :-) I just put the case number on and submit them just before the hearing then give a copy to the other side.

When is the hearing date and have you done a position statement too?
Their solicitor said when they sent it as its part of the Scott, they are chasing to get it signed but a week later its not, I think they want to use this as evidence in court as part of the scott
I just have to reply to it, but they have attached this statement which is huge and has not been signed or dated
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Could you give a bit more info, I'm not quite clear :-)

So you have a fact finding hearing coming up?

They've sent you their Scott schedule plus a long statement - is that right. It sounds like it might be their statement for the fact find.

What does the court order ask you to do? Respond to their allegations? Submit a statement?

A statement is not the same as a position statement.
Could you give a bit more info, I'm not quite clear :)

So you have a fact finding hearing coming up?

They've sent you their Scott schedule plus a long statement - is that right. It sounds like it might be their statement for the fact find.

What does the court order ask you to do? Respond to their allegations? Submit a statement?

A statement is not the same as a position statement.
It says it will be used as evidence in court, but they have not signed or dated it and yes it appears to be part of the scott schedule under allegations various, which the statement is attached to its a random rant about abuse and is just an unstructured rant, I have asked the solicitor to sign it, but they refuse to respond
So you know what they are planning to argue for this hearing. Have you got everything prepared for the hearing on your side?
My barrister is on the case, hopefully we will, I just cant believe at the start of this all I did was fill in a c100 to see my kids, now its a real expensive mess and no one seems to care but me, lets hope there is a well needed change coming soon,