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Small ad for funding the forum


Staff member
Admin and Moderator
Just to let you know a small ad will be appearing on the right hand side of the forum (desktop computer view) soon. This is just to help with the ongoing forum fees for software and the server costs as it's been self funded to date. It'll take time to settle down into ads that are more suited to this forum so at first there might be all kinds of random stuff at first. And just ignore if you want. It's just on the main forum page. If you're on mobile phone you might not even notice - it'll be at the end of the main forum list further down the screen.
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I've also just renewed the annual software fees. It means everything is always up to date and secure.
That is kind. I had considered various options but really don't like asking for donations and not keen on the idea of a membership fee either - because of all the costs Dads have anyway - I'll see how it goes with the ads. At this rate it might cover half the annual costs. I'll look at it again later in the year. It's just been renewed for this year. I just think once money becomes involved it's not a free site - if you get what I mean and I wouldn't want people to think they were paying for support and advice. Want to keep it free.
That is kind. I had considered various options but really don't like asking for donations and not keen on the idea of a membership fee either - because of all the costs Dads have anyway - I'll see how it goes with the ads. At this rate it might cover half the annual costs. I'll look at it again later in the year. It's just been renewed for this year. I just think once money becomes involved it's not a free site - if you get what I mean and I wouldn't want people to think they were paying for support and advice. Want to keep it free.

I hear what @Ash is saying in terms of not wanting the Forum to be Membership based or paid advice service.

Ash, I would be happy to contribute to the site. The amount of legal fees money we save through this site vastly outweighs the website costs.
I'd second this motion though.

For those of us that are through the other side, not dealing with the daily challenges & are here contributing to support members as part of the DWK family, we do feel the desire to give back in additional ways as well, however small that may be.

Some of us no doubt will give to what we consider good causes through the year regularly or adhoc at different times.

I am sure some of us will give to causes we feel are close to our hearts, DWK sits there as well.

Just another perspective! 😊
Happy to contribute too.

Would a voluntary subscription idea work. Like 10 pound per a year or something?

The adds are targeted. I'm getting one for knee pain and have had to do some shockeave therapy recently to continue running!
I'm getting some for back pain :ROFLMAO: Thanks - I'll do some more thinking on that.
I am more than happy to contribute. I may not post much, but you have helped me and countless other lurkers too. Only fair we can repay you for the upkeep. I get paid on the 24th and will definitely be contributing if you change your mind.