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Shes at it again | School arrangments


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Hi All,

Well, its been nearly 6 months since the child arrangements were finalised in court and its been going as well as it could in all fairness. I get my kids from school/nursery every other Friday and she picks them up from my house on Sunday evening.

The school my eldest is in was mandated on her due to their mother relocating in the middle of term time (without my or the courts consent) and was during lockdown so no-one could visit the school to asses what it was like. I have several issues with it but to avoid any uncessesary stress on my eldest (shes been through enough) I've not sought to change her school.

Its that time when my youngest needs to go to school in September 2023, so i googled all the schools which were in catchment for their mother (my eldests school isn't), looked up the ofsted ratings and looked on their websites for information about all the schools and shared it in a spreadsheet with their mother. I then picked my top 3 and visited the schools (despite me living 110 miles away) to help me make a decision. I even invited their mother to the viewing which she didn't attend.

Their mother never engaged with this or even bothered adding anything to the google sheet (i checked version control). She has just stuck her head in the sand and said the my youngest is going to the same school as my eldest.

She has now applied to the court to have this dispute settled and on the application has logged "child abuse - Yes" and "Any form of domestic violence or abuse - Yes" as well :-( But on the same form has said that "do you agree to the children spending time with the other person in this form - Yes".. so what is it??? am i this horrible person or am i fine; you cant be both!

The original child hearing she logged abuse as retaliation for me logging it (our marriage ended when she assaulted me for which i have a crime reference number), but the final hearing stated that even though there were cross allegations that they were not relevant due to the amount of time passing, the distance that we live apart and that even if they were investigated that they could not be proven.

This is all historic stuff that is all made up by her, yet she brings it into something which even if its was true (and it isn't) bears no relevance on a simple case of where my child should go to school!

Also, and this will make you laugh.... We do handover between us (face to face with no issues); yet in the document she has stated she wants separate waiting rooms in court as "I anticipate the respondent reacting to this court application, previously this has resulted in him becoming more harasshing and attempting to intimidate me. Therefore I would ask to be able to wait in separate waiting rooms, particularly as i will be acting as a litigant in person and will be alone".... so she will drive to my house to collect the children, with no one else there, but i somehow pose a threat in court wheres there's security and lots of other people about!!!! 1670320092543.png
Tried and tested method for derailing any hearing:

1) Go on about abuse and victimhood at every opportunity

2) Make sure everything you say is untestable

3) Refuse to engage in any process that leads to interrogation of evidence

4) Act as though there are findings against you on every allegation in the final hearing

To demonstrate why it is all nonsense would take longer than the hearing is scheduled for. At the last minute, there will probably be curve ball "evidence" dropped on top of all this anyway.

I've just seen this. It's common for a younger child to go to the same school as an older sibling. They are usually guaranteed a place if they have a sibling there. Your ex will be thinking - same school uniform, save costs (hand me downs) save on travel and logistics.

If you think there's a better school, it might look a bit strange in court to ask for the younger one to go to a different one as they'd think why did you accept leaving the older one at the other school if it's no good? I think I'd just accept her choice of school. If you feel strongly that both kids should be at a better school then you could ask for that on your position statement for the hearing. I suspect though they will just go with the Mother's choice (which is why it might be easier to just accept her choice). Cafcass will talk to the kids and they'll probably say what your ex tells them to.