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Section 7 - not being seen with child


New member

It's looking like my S7 will be done without CAFCASS seeing me with my child and me not even having spoken to my child for months as interim contact has not been given.

This is obviously flawed and I have seen ash say that this is a major reason it can be undermined at final hearing.

My question is to i flag this obvious unfairness to cafcass/ my barrister to try and get it changed prior to the issuing of the section 7 to hopefully obtain a more favourable report or do I just suffer and let it happen knowing it could potentially be undermined?

Is mum being seen with the child?

Neither of us were for mine.

If she is and you aren't then that's an issue.

How long between receiving the report and next hearing will there be?
Request it!!
This is sadly all too common.
How can they make a true informed opinion if you are not seen with your child.
My partner went through this. Social workers and cafcass officers coming to conclusions even before speaking to my partner, let alone seeing him with either child.
Tell your barrister it needs to happen. They work for you!
Is mum being seen with the child?

Neither of us were for mine.

If she is and you aren't then that's an issue.

How long between receiving the report and next hearing will there be?
The child is with mum so presumably yes? I have no idea. They haven't even told me.
I am being prevented from seeing the child so they won't see him with me.
Request it!!
This is sadly all too common.
How can they make a true informed opinion if you are not seen with your child.
My partner went through this. Social workers and cafcass officers coming to conclusions even before speaking to my partner, let alone seeing him with either child.
Tell your barrister it needs to happen. They work for you!
I know it needs to happen! But mother is preventing contact!
I am in the exact same boat so following, deliberate cutting of all access to interfere with section 7 report.

Apart from my situation is deliberate prevent any unsupervised time whatsoever.
I am in the exact same boat so following, deliberate cutting of all access to interfere with section 7 report.

Apart from my situation is deliberate prevent any unsupervised time whatsoever.
Same with me. I haven't even spoken with my child for months. I have no idea what is going on or what he is being told.
It's impossible to argue a section 7 report can be accurate in these circumstances, does that mean the section 7 report would be completely disregarded and a new section 7 report carried out?

It seems grounds for the ex to start the process again entirely on variation to gain the upper hand.
I've seen Section 7 been done without dad been present with child if there is no interim order for contact. They should contact you though for it. Most times social workers doing the section 7 gives all time to mother and kids and fathers views un heard but then to brought up in court as it can be see as favouring one parent over another (not an equal report)
In my case my son was seen at school. Me and the mother were both seen without him being present. Seems fair enough.

In your case the aspect that is most troubling is that you haven't spent any time together with your child for a while. The lack of interim contact was presumably decided by the court so CAFCASS shouldn't advocate for either side and should bear in mind that you haven't had contact in some time.