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Section 37


Experienced member
Hi all.

I have a Section 37 meeting upcoming.

I am in the clear - the process has been initiated because of mother.

Is there anything I need to bear in mind, pitfalls etc?

Are you in a position to take over any time the kid(s) spend or live with your ex?

The meeting will likely assess the level of safety/risk in current situation. It may be different under different authorities, but I have heard of mark out of 10 being attributed to the case and next steps being based upon that.

Ultimately, the assessment should decide if a care order is necessary.

On a general note, I suggest understanding any concerns expressed and contributing to or being guided by solutions. Remain an active part of any risk management measures.
Hi and thanks Resolute, thats helpful advice.

Yes, I've applied for the children to live with me through a child arrangements application.

I have had CAFCASS on my side up until now - I know I'm lucky and that is not everyone's experience - and if social services wants to carry out an assessment that's fine. That should be aimed at mother however who CAFCASS have noted concerns in relation to already. That is my main concern, that they don't try and make me the focus as they have tried to do in the past.


Is the section 37 for both parents or is it just to assess if they can continue to live with their mother if she is found? Curious as have a friend in similar situation but the s37 ordered on the mother. Will he be called too?

Is the section 37 for both parents or is it just to assess if they can continue to live with their mother if she is found? Curious as have a friend in similar situation but the s37 ordered on the mother. Will he be called too?

Here is a pretty good guide.

If I were in his situation, I would insist on attending.
In my case, the (in)action of my ex and obstruction of contact is what has started the S37 process, but the process involves speaking to both parents and the child/ren, all separately.
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Sorry, you're right Chi22, child protection is a separate process. It can result from a Section 37 or Section 47 investigation/report. It is a step along from the report though.

My error.

Here is a guide to Section 37 and what it should include:
