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Sec7 response and contact plan


New member
I've got to respond with comments on the sec7 report, can anyone share the kind of format this should be done? I was just going to copy subheadings from the report and then write my response for each subheading. Sadly, it's not as simple as just agreeing with it. What the report suggests is parental acromony, dad's financial position, mum has full custody. I think I can explain finance ok, and address the acrimony via way of parallel parenting. Kids want shared care, so do I.

Secondly, I'm instructed to outline my proposals for how contact should look. I've seen the parenting plan template, which has some good things I can use in my response, but isn't exactly what they're asking for.

I've got a week to get it done, but atleast I know how to file and serve documents.
I think it would be ok to just copy and paste bits you don't agree with and write your view and propose solutions.

In terms of how you see a schedule working (did they actually use the word "contact"? If so that is Cafcass demoting you). It sounds like Cafcass favour the Mother having sole residency and have sided with her (not uncommon) so you need to have an upbeat persuasive argument as to why shared care would be better and propose a schedule and how it could work - and add in things like you both love the kids and they know that.

If you want to message me the draft I am happy to read and comment - sometimes another eye on it can help.
This is basically what the order states, but yeah social services have demoted me somewhat as it's they who produced the s7 report and I am working on that upbeat persuasive argument. Good to know there's a bit of support out there, I simply couldn't afford the legal fees on top of everything else.

"the parties shall send to each other and to the Court a
statement outlining their response to the section 7 report and their proposals for a final
child arrangements order, to include holidays and special occasions. This should be
limited to 12 pages only."
12 pages is quite long! That almost sounds like a final statement. I think you might need to be in depth about why you disagree with some things, giving examples, but mainly focus on the positives of why it would benefit the children. I would be very tempted to add a line saying the term "contact" was changed to "spends time with" in 2014 (but don't).
haha, thanks man, understood. Yes, I thought 12 pages was a tad excessive, I'll be as thorough as possible and let you know how I get on, it's not easy but a hell of a lot easier than responding to scott schedules...
12 page statement sounds like a witness statement to me, because a position statement is usually simple and straightforward and limited to one or two pages. If you are asked for a witness statement, be very careful and supply as much evidence as possible to support your argument, and the accurate.
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I also have a question regarding my pending position statement and my response to a section 7 report . I understand a position statement should be short and straightforward, mostly limited to 1 or 2 pages (my case is not complicated as there is no children welfare concern), but the S7 recommendation basically favours the mother by recommending much more times ( 80%) to spend with the mother, even though it recommends children to live with both parents. Its reasoning is that my elder daughter wants it ( in fact in the early stage she told me mummy said it is "usually what the court will do"), and the mother is in a carpool plan on school run ( which I was in for years until last year when her mum blocked me). I am trying to write a response to the recommendation by insisting 50/50 time with each parent. I wonder if I shall put my response on a separated letter and present it to the court together with my position statement? The saying is that the judge usually won't spend too much time reading it, so will the response to the S7 help my case at all?
Hi. I'm a bit tied up the rest of the day. When's the deadline? I'm a bit confused as well as didn;'t you mention a 12 page statement? Or was that someone else?!
Sorry Ash I have confused you. I need to provide a PS by Jan 5th, our the Witness Statement has been sent before S7 interview and report. My comment on the 12 page statement is for the dad who posted firstly on these threads.
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Doesn't take much to confuse me at this time of year lol!