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S7 Report


Well-known member
Good morning all.
Just a routine question.
I've got a court hearing next month but I haven't yet received the S7 report.
Will it be the court that sends it to me (along with the date for attendance) or do I get it from CAFCASS, in which case I need to write to them?
Good morning all.
Just a routine question.
I've got a court hearing next month but I haven't yet received the S7 report.
Will it be the court that sends it to me (along with the date for attendance) or do I get it from CAFCASS, in which case I need to write to them?

There should have been a court order with a date for this to be completed and filed with the court and all parties.

I would contact Cafcass if this has been delayed and then let the court know also.
There should have been a court order with a date for this to be completed and filed with the court and all parties.

I would contact Cafcass if this has been delayed and then let the court know also.
There is, but it still doesn't stop them changing dates and not making any official confirmation of details until only a week before the actual hearing. All parties have already participated in the making of the report, it's now just a matter of when and how it is supposed to be released.
There is, but it still doesn't stop them changing dates and not making any official confirmation of details until only a week before the actual hearing. All parties have already participated in the making of the report, it's now just a matter of when and how it is supposed to be released.

I would ring Cafcass and get confirmation of when you will receive it.

Have you been ordered to reply to it?
You will receive it from Cafcass and they will also send it to the court. It'll be done a few days before your hearing.
Thought so. I'm pretty it's all completed already, but they're just sending them all out according to their own schedule.
Typically, the Section 7 report is prepared by CAFCASS and then filed with the court. Once the report is completed, the court usually sends a copy to all parties involved, including you. You should receive this report well in advance of the hearing date to review its contents.

The most crucial part of the S7 report is the recommendations, as they significantly influence the court’s decisions regarding the welfare of the child.

Therefore, it’s essential that you receive and review the report in time to understand these recommendations and prepare for the hearing.

If you haven't received the S7 report yet and the hearing is approaching, it might be a good idea to contact CAFCASS to inquire about the status of the report. They can confirm if it has been completed and sent to the court. Additionally, you may want to reach out to the court to verify whether the report has been received and when you can expect to receive your copy. Usually, the court will send it to you after it has been filed.
Typically, the Section 7 report is prepared by CAFCASS and then filed with the court. Once the report is completed, the court usually sends a copy to all parties involved, including you. You should receive this report well in advance of the hearing date to review its contents.

The most crucial part of the S7 report is the recommendations, as they significantly influence the court’s decisions regarding the welfare of the child.

Therefore, it’s essential that you receive and review the report in time to understand these recommendations and prepare for the hearing.

If you haven't received the S7 report yet and the hearing is approaching, it might be a good idea to contact CAFCASS to inquire about the status of the report. They can confirm if it has been completed and sent to the court. Additionally, you may want to reach out to the court to verify whether the report has been received and when you can expect to receive your copy. Usually, the court will send it to you after it has been filed.
Thank you very much for your reply. I wrote to my CAFCASS officer early this morning, and I got an automatic reply to say she is on leave till the end of the month. Typical..
End of the month is less than a week away - hopefully you'll get it early September.
So while I was waiting for the CAFCASS officer to reply, I wrote to the local authority which was basically commissioned to do all the welfare and safeguarding checks themselves, and they said they're not sure and that I should consult with my solicitor (which I do not have) but they admitted the report has already been submitted to CAFCASS.

Yesterday, I got the response from the CAFCASS officer as well, and she plainly says she hasn't taken part in drafting the report, that the local authority will have done it (!?) Does this then mean it's the local authority which will send me the report, or what?
What are the reasons the local authority are involved? It seems odd that the local authority (Social Services?) have written a report and sent it to Cafcass. I filed a complaint to Social Services about my ex, when they were aware of my C100 application and the involvement of Cafcass they closed the file.
What are the reasons the local authority are involved? It seems odd that the local authority (Social Services?) have written a report and sent it to Cafcass. I filed a complaint to Social Services about my ex, when they were aware of my C100 application and the involvement of Cafcass they closed the file.
Because we had a social worker allocated a longer while back before the relationship was in crisis, and they were helping us with other issues like housing. So it sounds like CAFCASS has a recourse to enlisting the support from local authority services if particular families are already known to the latter etc. To help offload the whole volume of cases they have to deal with, especially where DA is alleged and police have been involved.
This makes sense then. I presume the report is sent to Cafcass and they will then add their findings and recommendations
That's exactly what I thought too. But now the CAFCASS officer is telling me it's all the LA's job in my case.. 🤷 While a few days back the LA informs me the report's been submitted to CAFCASS.. so now I know exactly that I will be notified about everything including the date of the next hearing, literally a week before if not less. Just like last time. What if I happened to be in a job where a replacement just could not be found within short notice, isn't this anybody's concern within the world of officialdom?
Typically, the Section 7 report is prepared by CAFCASS and then filed with the court. Once the report is completed, the court usually sends a copy to all parties involved, including you. You should receive this report well in advance of the hearing date to review its contents.

The most crucial part of the S7 report is the recommendations, as they significantly influence the court’s decisions regarding the welfare of the child.

Therefore, it’s essential that you receive and review the report in time to understand these recommendations and prepare for the hearing.

If you haven't received the S7 report yet and the hearing is approaching, it might be a good idea to contact CAFCASS to inquire about the status of the report. They can confirm if it has been completed and sent to the court. Additionally, you may want to reach out to the court to verify whether the report has been received and when you can expect to receive your copy. Usually, the court will send it to you after it has been filed.
Thanks for your input. Please refer to my new updates below. It now appears certain the court will be the one to send me the report, because the LA doesn't want to comment on matters they aren't specifically required to attend to by law, and CAFCASS doesn't give a monkey's about stuff which doesn't immediately concern them.

Suffice to say, I won't be receiving the report on time, so it obviously is not something the court considers essential for people like us, after all. At least not for the present time.
If they’ve submitted to court, phone the court and ask them to insult you a copy saying you need to see it before the hearing. It sounds odd. If SS do the report they should just send it out to parents and the court.
If they’ve submitted to court, phone the court and ask them to insult you a copy saying you need to see it before the hearing. It sounds odd. If SS do the report they should just send it out to parents and the court.
Hopefully they reply once I contact them on Monday. Not holding my breath though.
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