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Recommendation for solicitor Nottingham area


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As many of you may or may not know back in court after ex breached the Final order. So at the Enforcement Hearing in August 2024 the Judge put all my shared living arrangements on hold so I can only have indirect contact as Ex is stating (again) various allegations that have been investigated by social services (no further action or unsubstantiated) . the Cafcass recommendation was this whilst they do a s7 report.
I wanted to know if any one can recommend any good father’s solicitor , I am on legal aid which is now sorted out.

I am Nottingham base and hearings would be at Nottingham Family court

I used a national one and to be honest I don’t think they spoke up - only met them on the day for 30 minutes before

Ex has now removed the child out of school and not shared info where she is. Only found out as child’s old school told me this morning

Thanks in advance
We can't recommend particular lawyers on here, but it sounds to me like you need a barrister (or a solicitor barrister team that will do legal aid).

If anyone has a recommendation, can they message Tryingtobe please.

Really sorry this has happened. The allegations must have been quite serious were they?
With great difficulty.
I was never in a well paid job anyway - I actually lost my job (after being there for 6 years) due to having asking for time off for previous court hearings from 2021-2023. They said it wasn’t due to that but I know it was as they just got fed up getting cover in.
Due to the stress of above I went GP in 2021 who said I was victim of domestic abuse from ex and I used this in Court as evidence then. being unemployed now , signed off with anxiety, and ex stopping contact again. I went back and asked if GP would do me a fresh letter. I sent this off with claim for legal aid. They refused but I appealed as I said just because I am male doesn’t mean I can’t be a male victim of domestic abuse (here’s the medical evidence), I am unemployed so signed off due to anxiety triggered by ex. They then said I could remortgage my house or borrow the money from friends. Anyway I managed after 4 months of
jumping through hoops and justifying every transaction for last 3 years - they agreed it.
Sorry if I am playing the system here a bit as I had to defer a job start date and now refused it due to the possibility I could end up not being able to privately fund. Previously I spent £15-18k having direct access barrister and being ligitant in person (worked 3 jobs including started advertising the spare bedroom in Airbnb to pay that). I don’t think I can do that again working full time, then taking on after work delivery job, then twilight shifts weekends and some nights.

Also the police made a referral to National Domestic Abuse Centre to get me a non molestation order as I reported ex (I know it’s her) for making fake social media accounts in my name - spreading it that I am paedophile with my address on it, another account says I am gay and homophobic comments, another one says I like child on TikTok with old photos of me from years back.
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With great difficulty.
I was never in a well paid job anyway - I actually lost my job (after being there for 6 years) due to having asking for time off for previous court hearings from 2021-2023. They said it wasn’t due to that but I know it was as they just got fed up getting cover in.
Due to the stress of above I went GP in 2021 who said I was victim of domestic abuse from ex and I used this in Court as evidence then. being unemployed now , signed off with anxiety, and ex stopping contact again. I went back and asked if GP would do me a fresh letter. I sent this off with claim for legal aid. They refused but I appealed as I said just because I am male doesn’t mean I can’t be a male victim of domestic abuse (here’s the medical evidence), I am unemployed so signed off due to anxiety triggered by ex. They then said I could remortgage my house or borrow the money from friends. Anyway I managed after 4 months of
jumping through hoops and justifying every transaction for last 3 years - they agreed it.
Sorry if I am playing the system here a bit as I had to defer a job start date and now refused it due to the possibility I could end up not being able to privately fund. Previously I spent £15-18k having direct access barrister and being ligitant in person (worked 3 jobs including started advertising the spare bedroom in Airbnb to pay that). I don’t think I can do that again working full time, then taking on after work delivery job, then twilight shifts weekends and some nights.

Also the police made a referral to National Domestic Abuse Centre to get me a non molestation order as I reported ex (I know it’s her) for making fake social media accounts in my name - spreading it that I am paedophile with my address on it, another account says I am gay and homophobic comments, another one says I like child on TikTok with old photos of me from years back.
I hear you man, especially the part about having to get time off work just to go to court! It is a total disregard for working fathers, simply expecting them just to get the time off work as and when the court feels like fitting you in to their schedule for a hearing 😒

But good on you mate for getting the legal aid, and no working yourself to death is never an option! I now understand in your case the ex was actually being abusive to you and you had the evidence. The majority of us here unfortunately don't have evidence of our own, but neither do we blokes have any evidence stacked up against us for alleged DA perpetrated against our wags, we just don't get believed! 🤷
Don’t give up ever 🙏stay strong

I went to court to get an enforcement order and the Judge suspended the Final Order I had as Judge views Ex as a domestic abuse victim and asked for s7 Report - so I went from shared care arrangement to indirect contact. So still the court sees me as an abuser and liar cos I am male - as Ex maintained I put up the social media post myself and a police email was fraudulent as she and Ec’s solicitor had spoken to the officer.

It now turns out that the police email is genuine like I maintained at the Hearing following Court order police disclosure (funnily in the disclosure , without me complaining , police gave me £50 compensation).

So we will always been seen negative and have to fight that much harder.

I wish I could use the solicitor I had previously - she don’t accept legal aid funding. She was brilliant solicitor and really had my back.
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