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Quick online study - how easy do you find it to regulate your emotions?


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Hi there,

I'm completing a doctorate in Clinical Psychology for the University of Bath, and I'm currently recruiting for a research project which will form part of my thesis. It's an online study which looks into interoception (the ability for us to notice and identify what's going on inside us, whether that's emotions, hunger, or physical pain) and emotion regulation in parents. It takes around 15 mins to complete.

I am very much in need of more dads for this, as dads are really under-represented in psychology research - almost all parent studies focus exclusively on mothers. I know online studies can drag on a bit, but hopefully this one contains some interesting and thought-provoking content, and there is a page at the end explaining more about exactly what we are hoping to find out.

If I get enough participants, this project has the potential to benefit parents (and therefore children) in future, and to teach us more about how we can most effectively regulate our emotions (something which, ideally, we would all get taught while we're young, but which we generally end up figuring out for ourselves, sometimes with not so healthy strategies).

Here is the link, and thanks so much for taking the time to read:


I've approved this by the way after they checked in advance it was ok :-) It's anonymous and no personal information is given, I am informed.
I started to complete it but it asks how many children under the age of 16 and mine is over 16 now and no option to put 0 :-)