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Question about cafcas report.

I'd phone the main Cafcass number, I had an updated safeguarding letter ordered to be completed by a certain date, a week later it hadnt arrived, when i phoned the main number and gave my cafcass number they were able to tell me that the deadline had been moved to 3 weeks later (2 days before FHDRA), they couldnt tell me whether court changed the date or whether they changed the date themselves, a couple of days later it arrived.

Just re-read and see your waiting for a section 7 report, mine was just the safegurding letter, but they should be able to tell you on the phone if the deadline has been extended.
I've emailed the cafcass officer last night if I don't hear anything today I will call. Thanks.
A family relative suggested maybe she hasn't submitted it yet.
We were discussing some things about the my my son and the parent alienation gone on the background she hadn't even seen evidence about it which she asked me to send it over. So I'm not sure if that's what's held it up. It seemed she had my son down as indecisive pre teen of not wanting to see me and then wanting to see me until I asked her if she had seen all my evidence. Her reply was no.
HI everyone, listen to this so my cafcass officer told me she has to put her report in by 29th 🙄

But my position statement needs to be in that day!! By 4pm. Hardly fair.

She said she doesn't understand why my paperwork said 15th and must be a typo error.

But it would make sense for her to have sent report 15th because it would have given me sufficient time to get a position statement put together for 29th because I'm in court 6th August.

This is frustrating.

So I've now decided to put one together now with what's been happening since direction hearing and then leave a space for me to make comment on section 7 report and get it in ontime. Hopefully she send it early.

And from way she is talking I can get a hint of what the section 7 will say. Shes hinting along the lines of my son is stroppy adolescent age and he will want to see me then not so nothing to do with the mothers influence regardless of the all the evidence I sent.

One example my son thinks I'm a problematic father because he asked me for my inhaler which I told him he should have his own. His mother told him can't get any since 2019 because chemist shut down. ive always been alienated from medical stuff but after hearing this I called every docs in his area till I found it and booked appointment to take him on my Friday. I informed the mother she kicked off and changed the appointment for her to take him. My ex then sent him to the doctor before he turned 12 to pass a Gillick test to keep me from seeing his medical records after I discovered she was neglecting his asthma, which had worsened, and broken fractures that he had to keep hidden from school.
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HI everyone, listen to this so my cafcass officer told me she has to put her report in by 29th 🙄

But my position statement needs to be in that day!! By 4pm. Hardly fair.

She said she doesn't understand why my paperwork said 15th and must be a typo error.

But it would make sense for her to have sent report 15th because it would have given me sufficient time to get a position statement put together for 29th because I'm in court 6th August.

This is frustrating.

So I've now decided to put one together now with what's been happening since direction hearing and then leave a space for me to make comment on section 7 report and get it in ontime. Hopefully she send it early.

And from way she is talking I can get a hint of what the section 7 will say. Shes hinting along the lines of my son is stroppy adolescent age and he will want to see me then not so nothing to do with the mothers influence regardless of the all the evidence I sent.

One example my son thinks I'm a problematic father because he asked me for my inhaler which I told him he should have his own. His mother told him can't get any since 2019 because chemist shut down. ive always been alienated from medical stuff but after hearing this I called every docs in his area till I found it and booked appointment to take him on my Friday. I informed the mother she kicked off and changed the appointment for her to take him. My ex then sent him to the doctor before he turned 12 to pass a Gillick test to keep me from seeing his medical records after I discovered she was neglecting his asthma, which had worsened, and broken fractures that he had to keep hidden from school.
woah there,, slow down.

If you haven't got the report that you are writing your response statement for, that isn't your fault and if you file it late, they will understand why and wont have an issue with it.

If you hurry a response , you may regret the statement you file.

Wait until you get the section 7 report. Read it, go for a walk, read it again, print it out and highlight stuff that is an issue for you,, read it again, sleep on it,, read it again. Then start thinking about your response.

It is entirely reasonable to serve your statement late if the report itself is late.
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You could either submit the position statement as ordered, by the date ordered by and comment that you haven't yet seen the Section 7 report = and then do another position statement after you get the S7 :-)

Or you could email the court on the day the PS is due and explain that you will unfortunately need to submit late but it will be arriving soon. However there is quite a long gap between 15th and 29th - so that is quite a long time to delay submitting a PS that's ordered - eg more than a few days or a week. Does it order that position statements need to be exchanged as well as submitted to court? If so then your ex will be in the same position.
good idea about submitting a second one thanks

Yeah it does mention to send to other parties and court.

I still haven't seen her evidence from direction hearing I sent her mine. She said because she handed hers in on the day they haven't used it because it's not what they asked for from her.
This confused me not sure she knows what she's on about or doesn't want to send me her evidence and coming out with rubbish. The court stated in our letter after directions hearing that both parties submitted lengthy evidence. section 7 to be done. Position statements exchanged then court will print and make up court bundles. So I'm assuming I will see her evidence then?
I would do as ash recommended, email the court and say you need additional time. Ex is most likely not going to submit hers and I highly doubt the court will look down on you submitting after the report is available.

They will understand it wasn't possible for you to make a position statement without knowing the contents of the section 7. This is an error of cafcass and the court and not on your head.
Well it's the 29th and it's the date today cafcass told me she was told to send reports. Received nothing. My position statement is ready I've added events whats been happening since court and cafcass has already told me my daughter told them she wants to see me so I've mentioned what I want to happen going forward.
I think I'm going to do what was suggested hand it in by 4pm mention It sent with no report received then send an updated one when I do.

what time have others received a report? My position statement says 4pm so surely cafcass deadline was earlier
I was under the impression that you must have a minimum of 14 days to read and digest the S7 and then produce your position statement? I could be wrong. It seems totally unacceptable to put you under this sort of pressure.
I was under the impression that you must have a minimum of 14 days to read and digest the S7 and then produce your position statement? I could be wrong. It seems totally unacceptable to put you under this sort of pressure.
You could just email the court and explain that the S7 is late and request a later statement date.
You could just email the court and explain that the S7 is late and request a later statement date.
Yes, do not submit that statement for mother to see first under all circumstances. The court will not punish you. Also, do not submit a 2 part statement without disclosing the first to the mother. Having 2 separate statements will just make it less clear and less effective and punchy.

My ex failed to hand over a gp letter by set date, the excuse in court was doctors are backlogged, the court just sat there and said " ah yes that's understandable..."

You have a very valid reason not to submit, you literally cannot submit a correct and proper statement without sight of that report.

you put yourself at a major disadvantage that could sway the entire outcome, to tip your ex off with your statement before you see hers and that report. Don't do it!

Extremely doubtful there will be any sort of repercussion by the court if you explain you could not write your statement without sight of the report.
I was under the impression that you must have a minimum of 14 days to read and digest the S7 and then produce your position statement? I could be wrong. It seems totally unacceptable to put you under this sort of pressure.
I can see why because I most certainly need time to digest that report it's was 16 pages long and my son clearly went in there and lied about me. It's hit hard. 😢
He's made out I never spent time with him when I did see him apparently I shipped him off to family relatives.
apparantly hes never spent any Christmas with me. Which is lies in actual face it's his mother who is a party girl at Christmas and happy tonsend him to me every year I'm the one who gets excited doing his xmas eve boxes together and still never broke tradition when he got older telling me dad I'm too old for santa.
He then mentioned his nan and his auntie direspect him and we all should show we care. Not true he's been to wonderful places with my family he has happy memories.
His mom's amazing and her family who he never sees as they live in Romania and his mom has that difficult personality impossible to get on with her family struggle so she's only been back twice for the whole of my son's life with him.

Cafcass did the castle thing with him and she said she would let her mom in there and her moms family but the haters me and my family stay aton the outside. Haters 😢 why are we haters.

Im destroyed. But then in contradiction says if I prove myself he would like to see us. But I feel this is the mother who has proven to want my son to have the same opinion as her yet doesn't mind sending him to see in after causing toxic environment between us all.
My headsblown.

Then the ex says he's self harming because of me.

what's so I do next do I prove my son is telling lies or do I not mention anything like that in my position statement. I feel not saying anything by default is saying I agree to what he says.