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Professor Ben Hine webinar

Peanut 21

Experienced member
I was on a webinar this afternoon made by Professor Ben Hine of the prevalence of parental alienating behaviours in the UK.
There were a few other names in the joined list of people who have researched and set up charities for PA, which was encouraging.
One topic of discussion was the recent Family Justice Council guidance. He has contacted them to try and get them to change some terminology and references.

These are the people who can help shape policies in Cafcass, social services and the courts.
I think when dealing with PA it's so important to read, watch and learn as much as possible to help you get through it.
Professor Hine (who was alienated himself as a child) said he always suggests that targeted parents present themselves to their kids as the complete opposite to how they're being painted by the alienator.

I'll upload the recorded webinar once it's available.